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I took some sandwiches and orange juice and find a place and sit there putting earphones in my ears just I was eating peacefully someone come to me holding tray looking at me smiling.

It was Jackson.

"Hey"He said smiling.

"Hi"I said.

"You are eating alone?" I nod.

"Mind if I sit here ?"He asked I was hesitate but nod.

"So how is your 1st day going?"He asked mixing his noodles .

"Good"I said taking bite of my sandwich

And then he starts to talk again I see he like to talk but now I am not feeling uncomfortable with him I guess we can be good friends.


After lunch I make my way to jiwoo's cabin to get the files about the project.

I knock the door waiting for her to reply.

"come in" she said and I walked in. She looked at me sighing.

"Here."She said handling  me bunch of files.

"Y/n make sure you will complete it. But I can't help  you with anything with this project now."She said sighing 

"It's okay ma'am I'll do my best."I said smiling.

"Okay then. We have small office for you to the right side from my cabin there is everything you needed."She said pointing to the office.

"Thank you ma'am"I said bowing 

"Y/n read the files first before taking any steps. That project needs high requirement so make sure you read everything."She said and I nod.

"You can start now and next 5 days you don't have to assist me as you have project to do so."She said diverting her gaze to her laptop.

With that I left her cabin and make my way to my office.

This is beautiful I though and make my self comfortable on chair and looked the files those are so much to read

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This is beautiful I though and make my self comfortable on chair and looked the files those are so much to read.

There was almost 4 files for me to read so I start to read files.


It's almost 6 p.m. and every one almost left the floor. Some of them are packing there stuffs and here I am still reading the file. I only complete 1 file this is so hectic now I understood why ma'am was angry with this project. The client of this project is expecting much more than it's needed but now I am more concerned about how I am going to fulfill there expectations when I just joined the company.

How I am going to do this alone.

I stopped reading when I felt some one is shaking me and looked at the owner of the shaking.

"You are that focused ?"he asked me with funny expression making me chuckled.

"Hi jackson. "I said looking back to the file.

"Why are you still here?"He asked looking at everywhere.

 "I still need to complete read some file tho ."I said.

"You can do that tomorrow y/n now come on leave that and let's go."He said grabbing the file from my hand and placing bookmark in it and then close it.

"Jack-"He cut me off.

"Y/n it's not safe for girls to stay out late come on."He said worried.

"Fine."I said grabbing my purse. "Let's go."I said and he smiled.

"Wait I'll just check on ma'am."I told him and make my way to her cabin

I knock the door I heard light come in.

"Ma'am?"I said looking at her she was looking so exhausted I feel bad for her.

"Oh Y/n are you leaving ?"She asked still looking at her laptop.

"Yes ma'am."I said. "How long are you staying here?"I asked her.

"I'll leave with hobi If I am done with my work or I'll Just stay here."She said

"Ohh"I said .

"You can go "She said I bowed and left.

Should I make coffee for her?I asked my self.

"Should we go?"Jackson asked as he saw me.

"You can wait down I'll just come."I said and he left.

I make my way to pantry to make coffee.

after taking coffee. l Knock again but there was everyone (bts).

"Ohh y/n what are you doing here I told you to go home."Ma'am said I placed coffee mug on her table.

"I make coffee for you I thought you need this so.I'll get going now."I said and bowed to everyone and left.

As I reach downstairs I found jackson waiting for me.

"You done?"He asked and nod.

"So where do you stay?"He asked 

"I am staying at hotel right now as I don't have any place to stay."I said.

"Ohh I can help  you to find  one. If you want."He said.

"No.It's fine I'll do it.Don't bother."I said.

"Ohh come on  y/n I want to help you. And You said you don't know anyone here so Let me help you with this."He said.

"But Why are you helping me."I said looking down.

"Bcz this is korea And I also face some difficulties when I came here. I am from china So I also had some troubles to make my self use to this place So I don't want you to face same thing. That's why I am doing this."He said looking at me.

"Y/n I know we just met today but I want to tell you that You can trust me I don't have any wrong intentions with you."HE said making me smile.

"Okay.?"He asked.

"Okay then help me to find place to stay."I said 

"That's What I like to hear."HE said laughing a lil and we make Our way to my hotel.

Meanwhile with jungkook.

"Noona how much you have left.?"Hobi asked

"A lot hoba."Noona said.

"Noona What do you think about y/n ?" Yoongi asked getting everyone's attention.

"What do you want to hear?"She asked still looking at her laptop

"Which Kind of girl you think she is?"HE asked again this time noona looked at him before answering.

"Y/n... well she is silent girl. She don't talk alot or may be she have trust issues. But she is hardworking bcz today after her giving the files she didn't waste any time and I was noticing her she didn't even take break."She explained and everyone nods.

"And I don't think she have any interest in any of you guys so calm your tits  down."She said making everyone roll there eyes while laughing.

It's going to be interesting to work with you y/n. jungkook thought smirking lightly.

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