The Truth Untold pt.2

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I saw him coming towards me shock was only thing that was written on my face.

Jungkook followed my gaze 

"What the fuck are you doing here?"He yelled making everyone looking at the direction.

"I invite him."Yoongi said and I looked at him in disbelive

"Why hyung."Jungkook said

"I need to clear everything"HE said walking towards the person that just standing in front of us.

"Why did you called mr.min?"HE asked acting politly

"Well You know y/n right?"Yoongi asked

"Yes.."HE said


"We know each other very well ."

"I am asking how mr. ryan?"

"Well I don't think it should bothers you."

"It is my business and now if you don't answer me I know many other options ."

"Whatever.I am her ex boyfriend But y/n I must say you moved on really fast  I  mean look at you it's not been that long and you already carrying a baby such a slut you are."Ryan said 

"Watch your mouth mister."Jackson said

"Or what ?"Ryan said teasing jack

"BE IN YOUR LIMITS."I heard jungkook saying in very imedating tone

"Well you are the boss in your company kid you can't order me around."Ryan said and again turned over me "But really y/n you were that eager to have baby I mean just look at you who wanna have baby with you. Do you even know the father of the baby or may be you have sleep with so many guys that you don't even know"HE said and I looked down and soon I heard groan. I saw Ryan on the floor and jungkook was above him 

"I TOLD YOU TO WATCH YOUR MOUTH. YOU ARE TALKING TO MY WIFE AND SHE IS CARRYING MY BABY ." jungkook said punching him as he said that everyone in the room gasp including me

"I won't hasitate to kill you. Do you get that."HE said grabbing his collar

"Jungkook let go "Namjoon made his way to jungkook

"Well Ryan and minji made this plan they make this fake papers and send you. bcz minji was jealous of y/n that you are taking care of her bcz minji was madly in love with you and she wanted you so she asked ryan to help her bcz she knew that y/n and ryan had past so they are inshort a frauds and I worked on this since the day you fired her bcz I never thought that a pregnant lady whom you love will do this."Yoongi said to jungkook

"And bcz of this I often come to meet y/n"Yoongi said "Police!!" he called police? and we saw police coming inside

"Take them and you know what to do"HE said and the officers nod and take Ryan and minji with them

This is too much to take.

I felt my breathing getting heavy. I can heard only faint voices and then I felt some liquid running down from my legs and Everything black out.

Jungkook P.o.v

After the cops took them I make my way to y/n. She seems in a shock a lot of happen today.

"Y/n?"I called her name but she don't react so I call her again.

"Y/n?"I call again but this time I saw her breathing heavily.

"Y/n you okay?"I said and she collapsed luckily I quickly hold her but one thing took my attention is she was bleeding and I froze

"Hyung?"I called but no one noticed

"HYUNG!!!"I yelled in panic

"What happen jungk-"Yoongi hyung stopped

"Shittt "HE cursed and called bogum.

soon bogum hyung came to us and he also panicked

"Y/n plz wake up"I said shaking her 

"We need to go to the hospital now."He said but I was so scared and trying to wake her up I didn't listen until kai hyung came.

"Jungkook fast we need to go to the hospital."HE said shaking me 

and just when I come back in my senses I took her in my arms and rushed towards my car with everyone following me behind.

"Hyung can you plz drive?"I asked jimin and he took the keys.

I got in the back seat still holding her near me.

"Plz wake up y/n. Don't scare me like that."I said

"She'll be fine."Jimin hyung said

"This is happening bcz of me."I said crying

"No jungkook don't blame yourself."HE said

"I don't want to lose her again hyung"I said hugging her tightly.

"You won't "He said

Soon we reached to the hospital and bogum hyung took her to the operation theater 

"I hope she is fine."I heard them talking

"She have to be"Jackson said.

"Jungkook she'll be fine." I heard jin hyung said patting my back.

"KIMM!!"I heard someone yelled.

"What are you doing here?"I heard mr. kim asked

"Well I was late for the party bt when I reached there your wife said you are here so I came to meet you "The person said.

"Wait jungkook is that you."That person said and I looked up.

"Dad?"I said In shock.

"What are you doing here?"I asked

"I can ask the same and what is wrong with your face ? Why are you crying?" he asked me and I lost it I was complete mess

"J-jungkook?  son? Why are you crying like this?"He asked me hugging me

"Dad- Dad I love her."I said


"She is in there dad bcz of me. Dad I can't live without her dad plz tell them to save her plz."I said

"I don't know what are you talking but son she'll be fine okay?"He said rubbing my back 

"Calm down now okay ?"HE said and pulled back 

"Kim can we have talk ?"He asked

And they both left.

I hope she is fine. Plzz god save her plz I didn't even tell her how much I love her plz let her be fine plz.

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