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I was sitting in my room and jongin came. Looking all cute.

 Looking all cute

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"Hey Y/n"He said


"Hyung is coming over."



"Okay "

"Come on let's go downstairs."He said giving me hand 

"Okay "I said and take his hand.


Right now we are weighting for dr.park. and jonging is really scared that his hyung is going to rip him off and it's getting hard to control my laugh bcz he is like almost sweating.

Soon we heard doorbell ring and he flinched 

"I'll get him "I said and he just nod.

I got up from the couch and make my way to door just as I opened the door I saw furious dr. park.

"Where is he?"He asked 

"Umm in living room."I said

"Okay."HE said and rushed towards him.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!"I heard bogum scream and I covered my  ears.

as I walked in I saw jongin in bogum's arms and bogum was choking him 

"Hyung!!!! I can't breath.."He whined

"You deserve this punk."He replyed.

"Ahhh hyung sorry sorry please let me gooo"He  cried.

"You owe me alot" he said letting him go.

"I'll get you water."I said and left.

"I missed you hyung."I heard jongin saying.

"Miss me my foot."Bogum argued 

"I swear hyung I was busy I didn't had any time to call even my parents you know about this stuff and still you are doing this to me.."He said.

"I am not saying about call me whole time and do chit chat with me I am angry bcz you didn't even call me once in 6 morth kai souldn't I be angry on you for that."He argued back.

"I am sorry hyung."He said and I place tray infront of him.

"Yeahh Yeah." bogum said and take the glass of water and gulped down in one gulp.

"Y/n I specially come to meet you not this idiot ."bogum said making jongin snap his head towards him.

"Meet me?"I asked looking unsure.

"Yes. Well As you know this rascal is finally came after like 5 years uncle decided to throw a party that includes them.."He said pressuring on the word them.

"Them?"I asked.

"What is happening here? Tell me first."Jongin whine.

"Well I'll tell you ... Do you remember jungkook?"HE asked jongin.

"Ofcourse yes hyung we are still in touch. How can I forget that lil baby kookiee.."He said making both of them laugh .

"Well he is not lil baby kookie anymore."bogum said.


"Well he is now the CEO of the Jeon enterprises and not forget to mention the cold one.Y/n used to work with him for like 4-5 months and they got close but some thing happen and he misunderstood her and fired her ."He told in short.

"It means you love jungkook?"Jongin asked.

"Uh? I don't know."I said looking down.

"But I must say Y/n You have a good choice."Jongin said smirking.

"Okay so we are going to throw a party that include them bcz we all grew together and it's been long that we spend time together and this will be good opportunity to tell jungkook the truth."He complete making me gulp on having a thought on facing jungkook.

"And trust me it'll be okay. We are with you."bogum said giving me smile.

"Hyung why don't we do my welcome party and y/n's baby's gender reveal together?" Jongin said.

"That's cool actually... okay then If am not wrong y/n your next checkup is in 4 days right?"He asked and I nod.

"Well then we can do the party in this end of the week."He said 

"Okay done."Jongin said.

"Hyung I was thinking that why don't we take y/n mall and buy some baby stuffs?"Jongin said.

"Whattt!! Nooo There is no need jongin."I said

"Wait did you just call him jongin?"bogum said

"Yes why?"I asked and he burst into laughter

"Yahhh hyung stop laughing."Jongin yelled.

"Y/n His name is maybe also known as peaches and he hates them so much I can't even tell you."He said laughing.

"I'll tell you one story. One day in highschool we were talking about going to cafe and nobody knows about kai's hateness towards peaches so as we reached at the cafe kai said he need to use bathroom and he left and jin and jungkook said they'll go and give the order and they left but they don't know what to order for him so they ordered same as them. And after he came we were talking about our trip and enjoying our drink and food. He came and sit besides me and starts to drink and after finishing his drink he said,"that juice was good what was that ?"He asked and jungkook said him that was peach juice.And just as he said peach kai start vomit like there is no tomorrow"he said laughing "After he calm down we left the cafe and walking to the park one peach fell from the tree on his head and he looked at what was that and just as he noticed it was peach he vomit again but this time on jin and suga hahahahahhahahaha"HE complete and roll down laughing 

I was controlling my self not to laugh but I miserably failed.

I was literally crying while laugh.

"And you know what they starts to call him after that vomit machine"He said holding his stomach.

After like laughing for good amount of time we stop.

"Are you guys done?"Jongin said and we both nod while pressing our lips in thin line.

"You should laugh more it was cute."HE said looking at me 

"I'll go get change and we'll leave for mall okay?"HE asked

"Jongin I am tired plzz I can't "I said and he sighed 

"Fine then we'll go later let's watch some movie."He said.

"I am fine with it."Bogum said.

"ME tooo"I said.

"Okay let's watch Iron man"HE said and we  agreed and he put the movie on the t.v. but I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

"Hyung can you slow down the volume Y/n's asleep."I hear jongin said.

"Just go and tug her in the bed or her body will hurt ."Bogum said and after some time I felt my body being lift up and soon it contacts with the soft mattress.

"Sleep well bun."I heard jongin said and softly cares me head and I fell in my dreamland.

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