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Day five of project.

I am doing some editing at my office room. yesterday we done shooting and I have to say the pictures are pretty good.

Tomorrow I am submitting this project and I hope everything will be fine.


Presentation day.

I got up from the urge of throwing up I quickly rushed towards my bathroom and starts to throwing up.

After a while I stopped and calmed my self and get up from the floor but I Felt dizzy like I was about to pass out. I grab my mobile and tried to find jackson's number but my vision is getting blurry I tried to focus and called him and he picked up instant.

"helloo?"HE said in raspy tone may be I just woke him up.

"Jack I-"I was about to complete but mobile fell from my hand and I fell on the floor and then everything black out.

Jackson P.O.V

Y/n called me it was mid night I pick up the call 

"helloo?"I said 

"Jack I-"She said and then I heard loud thud.

Shittt what happen there!!!

I grabbed my keys and her's too I have spare keys as my noona left them for me. I rushed to downstairs I tried knocking but she didn't open so I grab the key of her apartment and open the door.

"Y/n"I yelled but she didn't answer I rushed towards her bedroom she was not there I saw Bathroom's light on I rushed towards bathroom and found her laying on the floor unconscious I panicked.

I rush towards her and shake her but she didn't wake up I lift her body and make my way to her bed and lay her down.

I think I should  call doctor.

I called my sister her boyfriend is doctor so it will be easy and he live nearby.


I was waiting for noona tapping my feet continue soon I heard doorbell I opened the door and noona came and with her bf.

"Where is she?"He asked

"In the bedroom."I said and he rushed inside the bedroom.

"You guys stay here I'll check her."HE said and we nod.

"Jacky you okay?"Noona asked.

"Yeah noona I am just concerned "I said.

"It's okay she'll be fine."she said rubbing my shoulder.

"She is very good friend of mine noona. I really care for her. It's been a only week we met but I feel like she is my family."I said

"Don't worry "She said.

We sit in the silence. It's been a 20 mins hyung still didn't came out.

"What is taking hyung so long?"I said and I heard door opening I stood up 

"Hyung what it is?She is fine right.?"I asked.

"Calm down there "He said chuckling.

"Well she is fine but she need to take care of her. I am sure she is not taking her meals properly. She should eat more healthy and take good amount of rest. Stressing is not good for her and her baby."He said and I nod then it hit me BABY???

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