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We were currently just laying on the bed talking about the baby and jungkook is more exited than I thought.

"What should we name her?" he asked

"Anything you like" I replayed

"We'll see about it later.I want to think a good name. "he said thinking hard.

"As you say." I say smiling.

"umm jungkook.. I don't know if I should say this or not but what happened to your past relationship?"I asked and his expression fell. "Hey it's okay if you don't want to talk."I said but he agreed to tell me.

"No you have all rights to know about her."He said sighing.

we changed our sitting positions. We are now sitting facing each other.

"Her name was jiha. Kim jiha. The collage heartthrob. Everyone wants her to be theirs and I was one of them. She was so beautiful that I couldn't  help my self from falling for her. We were in high school when it happened. I was always in love with her but I never tried to go and talk to her about me liking her."He said and chuckled. "When We were in last year of my high school she make her first move. She come to  me and confessed to me that she was in love with me and I was so happy that I confessed too. And with that we start dating. Everything was going so good she was perfect always supported me in everything, always took care of me and that shit make me so blind that I never saw her real face."He paused making serious face.

"One day I was with hyungs and they never liked her from the start. But they never say anything bcz I was so madly inlove with her.  So we were talking about my dads company and she came and she heard everything. I wasn't ready to take over my dad's company he was the richest businessman in korea and was wanting me to look after the company and she heard that and after that everything changes. She became more clingy, always try to get intimate. And I wanted everything to be perfect as it was going to be my first time. But she got angry and saying mean things . And we ended up fighting. "

"After that fight I tried to made up to her. So she started demanding me expensive things. And I never said No to her bcz I never wanted her to leave me but that thing started to go on daily and there was some point that I couldn't afford to buy her anything. And I told her that I am financially broke and she again start fighting and left. That night I couldn't help but feel guilty bcz I was her boyfriend of course she would have expect from me. SO I left my home and make my way towards her house." HE stopped and I saw tears beaming in his doe eyes and that broke me.

"When I reached there the door was open so I walked inside and saw her with a boy she was sitting on his lap kissing him. I can't even tell you Y/n How much I felt pathetic that time. I just left from there and cut all the contacts with her and after that I never turn behind."he complete and the tears he was trying to hold back was already left from his eyes.

"Jungk-"I tried to say but he cut me off.

"I loved her y/n I truly did. She was a first girl whom I loved after my mom. What was my mistake she did that to me?"And with that he broke down in front of me.

I just pulled him to me slowly carssing his back and saying soothing words.

"It's fine kook. Let it be."I said and he slowly start sniffing.

"I am sorry "HE said pulling away

"It's fine."I said and wiped his tears.

"Y/n I also want to know your past."He said catching me of guard

"Uhh?? My past?"I asked and he nod.

"Well you know that I am an orphan. I said that bcz since I the day I start to know things from that day I found me in orphanage. From the kid to coming here I  was always alone I never had any friend. Till ryan come. When I was 18 I moved out from orphanage and started to work in cafe and then I bought small apartment from my saving. When ryan I got to know each other he told me that he is here for some work and will leave after that done.

We met in the cafe where I use to work he visited there and after that he used to come there often and bcz of that we got to know each other and after a month we really grow feelings for each other and when he proposed me I was so happy bcz finally there was someone for me and bcz of that need of someone I couldn't say no. We start dating and everything was so great that when he asked me to do IT I didn't say no. And we did it I never thought that he will leave like it was nothing to him.

He was my first in everything jungkook everything. He was my everything my mom, my dad, my friend, my love , my everything and when he left just by leaving note on my nightstand saying I was just a bait. I was devastated I was scared of everything. And after he left I found that I am pregnant." I stopped .

"I trusted him. I trusted him with my everything."with that I lost and started crying.

"Hey you are not alone now you have so many peoples with you. Including me I won't leave you no matter what."He said comforting me.

"I love you okay?"HE said I nod and he smiled and took me in his arms and kissed me  softly making me feel only love and affection.

He make me layed on the bed comfortablely and sit besides me and started caresse my belly 

"Hey lil one this is your soon to be appa."Just as he said that my heart swelled.

"Be safe there and don't worry about your eomma. Appa is taking care of her. But Appa is sorry for let you suffer all this time."He said and kissed my belly making me giggle

"She said appa  I love you don't worry."I said making him little blush.

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