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Authors p.o.v.

its been 2 days y/n is in hospital and everyone is taking really good care of her. Specially jungkook. HE is been very careful with everything. HE won't even leave her side for a minute. But Y/n has many questions in her mind for jungkook that she wanted to ask from long time but whenever she thinks about asking him she feel what if he don't wanna talk about it.

But since both of them have confessed to each other y/n is thinking about asking him everything.

It was a beautiful morning y/n has just woke up and she found jungkook sleeping peacefully on couch she don't want to wake him up so she waited for him to wake up.

After half hour jungkook wake up and greet her with his cutest smile.

"Good morning yebo(honey)"Jungkook said and y/n blushed on her new nickname.

"Good morning "Y/n said. trying to get up and bcz of that jungkook rushed towards her and help her to sit properly and kissed her forehead. Well who knows jungkook would be this romantic.

"I'll help you to brush "Jungkook said and walked to the bathroom 

After y/n and jungkook get fresh n up jungkook left to grab something to eat. And in that mean time mr. jeon come to meet y/n.

HE knock the door.

"Come in" y/n said.

she saw middle aged man come inside.

"yes??"she asked politely.

"Ohh yes you don't know me right?"Mr.jeon asked and y/n nod.

"I am jungkook's father."He said smiling

"Ohh.. Hello mr. jeon."Y/n said trying to bow.

"Oh don't be so formal and don't worry ."HE said 

"Can I sit here?"He asked.

"Yes please."Y/n said smiling but internally she was shaking 

"So how are you y/n?"He asked giving flowers to her

"I am fine mr. jeon and thank you for these ."She said smiling to him

"I'll come direct to the point y/n."HE said making her scared

"Jungkook told me that he loves you and am not against it or anything I am more than happy if you ask. Watching my son finally getting into relationship it's make me so happy I can't tell you."He said looking at her and she listen to him carefully.

"We lost his mother when he was very young and after that I tried to make him happy with everything I have but that wouldn't work and one day he told me he have girlfriend. He was so happy and that makes me happy too. But that happiness didn't last long they  broke off and he became cold to everyone except his close ones. I tried to get him into relationships whit help of my friends but he never was interested.

But then you came and change everything you changed him. and I remember how much he cried for you. How he beg me to save you. So y/n I come here to say something to you.

Please don't leave him at any cost if he make any trouble just come to me I'll do anything but plz keep him happy for me. And I trust you with that."As he complete he was looking at her hopeful eyes.

"Don't worry Mr.jeon I'll be stick with him no matter what."She said smiling

"What about your parent?"HE asked and her smile fade

"I am an orphan sir. My parents left me I don't even remember them but I have uncle auntie here."Y/n said

"Ohh are you talking about Mr. and Mrs. kim?"HE asked and she nod

"Yes how do you know?"She questioned 

"HE is my very good friend from long time. And don't say that you don't have anyone Now that you are dating my son so I am your father too. Okay? So from now on call me appa."HE said and she nod holding her tears back

But one thing come in her mind and she said that thing unknowingly

"Appa..Don't you have any problem that I am carrying a baby that isn't of jungkook?"She said

"If speaking frankly at first I was like is jungkook okay with it? But when I saw him so scared to lose you that showed me he love the baby too. And after meeting you I don't have any problem with the baby."He said smiling.

"Ohh do you find the gender?"He asked excited making her laugh

"Yess... it's a girl."She said and he was squealing.

"Really I am going to spoil her so much."HE said 

"I am her--"Jungkook stopped as he see his father

"Dad? what are you doing here?"He asked

"I come to meet her."He said

"Oh okay Well I got something to eat have some" he said passing the box to his father 

And then his father starts to tell stories about jungkook and he was so annoyed but y/n enjoyed so didn't argue.

Jungkook you surely whipped for your Y/n.

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