They know

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In the lunch break eunwo shi almost beat jackson for keeping this whole thing secrete.

I was siting in my office talking with jack.

"We are visiting the doctor today. "HE said

"Yeah"I said.

"Don't worry my hyung is gynecologist so it will be fine."HE said and I nod 

we were talking something about the baby eunwo came to my office 

"Hey guys Mr. jeon want to talk to you."HE said 

"About what?"I asked 

"I don't know he send me to get you guys"HE said 

"Come on let's go."Jack said 


As we reach to Mr. Jeon's cabin eunwo knock the door.

"Come in"Mr. jeon said.

We entered in his office. This is my first time to come in his office his office is very attractive.

 This is my first time to come in his office his office is very attractive

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I can't help but looking around.

"Sir they are here "Eunwo said and I looked at mr. jeon.

"Well you both did very good work. Mr. wang I am promoting you."Mr. jeon said and we both exchange the looks.

"You are going to be model with taehyung ."He said

"But sir I don't have any experience with the modeling thing I just helped y/n bcz of the situation."Jack said.

"I really appreciate your work but I am sure you can do it better and there will be taehyung too he'll help you."Mr. jeon said.

"Okay then"Jack said.

"And one more thing tomorrow there is a party at my house so don't forget to come and wear something nice."Mr. jeon  said

"Yes sir"We both said in unison.

"Can you guys wait out side I need to talk miss. john alone."Mr. jeon said.

They nod and left the room I looked down 

Junkook p.o.v.

She looked to innocent.

"So miss. john sit down."I said gesturing her After she sit I sit in front of her.

"Tell me about your self."I said and she seems taken back.

"Uh?ah! My name is john y-n"

"Not that. Tell me about your family."I said and she looked down did I asked something wrong.

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