Park bogum.

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I woke up early in the morning and decide to get ready for my check up. 

After getting ready I make my way to downstairs to look for kim couple

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After getting ready I make my way to downstairs to look for kim couple.

"Hey good morning y/n." mina cheerped.

"Good morning mina-shii."I said smiling.

"Ohh stop it with the formalities y/n just call me auntie."She said 

"Ohh okay auntie."I said and soon we heard loud singing and we looked at the source of the voice.

It was jaehyun-shii. He came towards us and start dancing with auntie I just looked at them smiling. Just looking at them I remind of jungkook. The way he took care of me, the way he make me smile, the way he looked at me with full of affection I miss everything.

"Y/N!!!"Sudden voice make me come back to reality.

"Ohh come on dance with me."Jeahyun-shi said while giving his hand to me I smiled and take his hand and we slowly started to dance although he was singing wrong lyrics his voice is beautiful.

After dancing for 10 mins he stopped and make me sit on couch.

"I am making breakfast "Auntie said leaving to kitchen.

"So Y/n ?"Jaehyun said.

"YEs??"I asked

"Do you love someone?"He asked 

"Ummm may be."I said and he sit up straight getting all exited.

"Tell me about him ."He said making me laugh.

"Well he... ummm he is very handsome. Very kind. A big softiee. He loves banana milk more than anything."I said laughing at the memory of jungkook making everyone scared of him for banana milk. "And he love me .... may be"I said last sentence in low voice but he  heard me.

"Well what is his name?"

"Jeon Jungkook."I said smiling and his eyes went wide.

"The jeon enterprises. The owner of the Jeon enterprises? The Jeon Jungkook.??"HE asked almost screaming.

"Yess..."I said unsure about his reaction.

But soon his shocked expressions turned into teasing one.

"Well I am glad to hear that."He said.

"Guys come on breakfast is ready."Auntie said.

"Yes auntie coming."I said

"Wowww you started calling her auntie?"He said and I nod

"Well you should call me uncle then." he said smiling which I returned and nod.

"Come on eat fast we have to leave for hospital." auntie said and we both start to eat our breakfast.


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