The normal day

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Kensi pov
It was the perfect day the LA sun was shining Callen,Sam were annoying Deeks and I was sitting down at my desk. It was at that point Eric whistles at us and tells us to come upsatirs. He looked worried and i looked around to see everyone's faces fall as we went upstairs. " This is NCIS agent Carlos he was found dead in a dumpster in a nightclub" Eric exclaimed shortly before Nell interrupted " We have reason to believe that he was drugged up and tortured before being put in the dumpster for someone to notice." I look around to see Sams face drop even lower then it already was as he looked up to the screen. A picture of Agent Carlos was on the tv and he walked out. Just before he went through the door Hetty walked through and said " Not so fast Mr Hanna, you will have to explain to them how you know Agent Carlos after I have concluded. Mr Callen be very careful on this mission as I believe there is foul play involved, and Mr Deeks, Miss Blye this might not go well so I want you on desk duty until they return." I gave Hetty a strange look but nodded in agreement. It was the weirdest thing I never thought Hetty would do this to me and Deeks , we are part of the team now. Me and Deeks head down to the bull pen as Callen and sam set off.

Deeks' PoV
I see Kens nod in agreement to Hetty, something wasn't right I could tell by the way Kensilina looked at me straight after. We went down to the bullpen whilst the rest get ready to go. Kensi didn't look her normal self so I scooched on my chair across to her and asked her if she was alright. She didn't hear me so I unplugged her headphones to find really loud techno music playing that pierced through my eardrum! " Deeks!" Kensi shouts as I get punched on the shoulder. "Glad I've got your attention Fern, are you ok because I know something isn't right I can tell by your eyes." Her eyes were so beautiful I didn't care they were mismatched because so were we. My daydream into her eyes stopped as I get punched again and she says" that's for calling me Fern, and I'm fine but so confused why Hetty didn't put us on this case... Wait could it be.... I don't think so" She looked really stressed so I asked her "what? What is it Kens?" She was really staring to worry me now and I didn't like it. She replied to me with " Hetty probably wants us to go undercover for this case" secretly I've always loved going undercover with Kensi as we always get to act our goofy selves and everytime we do I fall in love with her a bit more! Wait did I just think that? Oh who cares I want her to know I love her if we do go undercover and if we don't I'll still do it anyway!

Kensis pov
Just as I had finished the weirdest thing happened Hetty the silent ninja came up to us and said " That's right Miss Blye, I do want you to go undercover but just be careful because what I didn't tell the others is that there is a rat in the agency that lead to Mr Carlos' death and at the moment I trust you two. It would be the safest place for you, I will tell everyone that you have gone on holiday and that you will not be returning until I say so. Keep your eyes peeled we don't want anyone to know." Wait hold on a minute Hetty just said that me and Deejs are going undercover together! It's always fun while we are undercover and because of our many times before its like our routine but somehow I know this time is going to be different, I can feel it!
Deeks then wakes me from my thoughts and then says" I'll drop you round to your place I'll go to mine get some stuff and I'll meet you at your apartment and then we shall get going. Will that be ok Princess Kensilina?" He said it in a funny voice but I liked it and we walked out the door.

Deeks' PoV
I couldn't wait to go undercover all this time alone with Kensi. But it's a pretty serious mission to say the least, we need to find the rat before anybody else gets hurt. Me and Kens walk to the car, I have a cheesy grin on my face because I know we are going to be alone together for a long time. Then something weird happened she smiled back and let me drive. I couldn't wait as I drove her to her apartment. Then to mine I unlocked the door shoved some more clothes back in my bag and headed back to Kensis.

Kensis PoV
I couldn't wait to be alone with Deeks for so long. I packed everything I needed but also a little something from Victoria secret. Just incase we do end up together. I really couldn't wait! Deeks then knocked on my door I ran as I didn't want to spend another moment away from him and we hit the road. It is going to be a 2 hour journey.

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