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6 months into the pregnancy

Deeks' pov
Later we are going to find out what the gender is of the twins. I literally cannot wait, I'm jumping up and down with excitement. I'm a kid at heart, everyone knows that. To think in three months there will be little ninja assassins in our house, it blows my mind.

A very pregnant Kensi the last three months, has been craving chocolate and Chinese food and I know that isn't a weird craving, but when you see the way she eats it you will never want to eat any of the ever again. Otherwise she has been the normal badass Kensi that she usually is, which I'm glad because some people get really emotional or aggressive.

It's 11 am and Kensi hasn't got up and we leave in 2 hours, I feel like a kid on Christmas. I run in to the bedroom and jump up and down saying "wake up! Wake up!" Kensi wakes up and she gives me a death glare, I just laugh and lie down next to her. She punches me really hard in the arm and it instantly starts hurting, and now she's laughing.
"That was a lovely good morning. Nothing like nearly jumping on a 6 months pregnant woman that can tear you apart in 67 different ways." She remarks
"Well this is practice for the kids at Christmas and Kensi?" I sarcastically reply
"Yeah Deeks?"
"I would never jump on you.... Whilst you're pregnant"
That earns me another punch, gosh she is getting rather aggressive.
"Anyway good morning princess, what would you like for breakfast?" I asked and kissed her.
"Good morning Deeks and can I have some pancakes please? I'm gonna go have a shower" as she kissed me back and walks to the ensuite.

I get started on some pancakes which only take a couple of minutes to make and put them on a plate and where Kensi sits. I'm already showered and dressed so I'm just waiting for Kensi. Eventually (more like 20 minutes later) Kensi comes out looking beautiful in her jeans and checkered shirt, she doesn't look pregnant especially with twins.

Kensi's pov
I just realised that I'm 6 months pregnant and in 3 months mine and Deeks' lives will change. The realisation has just kicked in but it's good. In about an hour and a half we are going to find what gender the twins are going to be, I'm feel really excited and I just want to know already!

Once I get out the shower I get changed into jeans and a checkered shirt, and walk into the kitchen wher I shall devour my pancakes. What can I say, I'm eating for three.
It only takes me a couple of minutes to eat the pancakes and now we have to wait until we have to leave. I wonder into the twins room, while they're are really little they're going to share a bedroom but when they are older they get their own. A beautiful wall painted with a monkey in a jungle is all around the room, two little cots and changing areas and I just wanted them to be born already.

We get into the car and head towards the doctors office, it's an anxious 15 minute drive until we get there and check in.
"Hello, what's your name and address?" The polite receptionist asked
"Kensi Deeks, 23 beach road" I replied. She typed something on her computer, then looked up
"Ok Mrs Deeks have a seat just to the left of you" I nodded and sat down.
Deeks' hand was in mine and every so often he would give me a reassuring squeeze.
"Mrs Deeks?" The doctor asks and me and Deeks get up. "Ok this way"
She leads us into a private room and I lie down on the bed.
"Ok Mrs Deeks I'm doctor Corcoran (cork-o-run) and I will put this gel like substance onto your stomach and we can see what the babies genders are" the doctor cheerfully chirped
"Ok" I reply.
The gel was on my stomach and the ultra sound camera moved around my stomach until the twins could be seen.
"Ok so I can tell that one is definitely a boy and wait let me move this around.... The other baby is a girl! Congratulations! Do you know what you are going to call them?" The doctor asked
"No we don't but thanks" I reply as I wipe the gel off my stomach and start to head towards the door.
I'm happy that it's a boy and a girl, they can stick up for eachother, the boy can beat the girls boyfriend up and funny stuff like that.

Deeks' pov
So a girl and a boy huh.... I know exactly what to name them. Kensi will love it too we could call them.....

Cliff hanger! I have picked 2 names but ones that I picked because the ones that were suggested are used in many other Densi books, and I want to be different!
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