The calm before the storm

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Grangers pov
It feels so good to be back in the USA and actually speaking english. After months of speaking Russian I think if I heard it one more time I'd go insane!

It's currently 6:45 am so I make my way out of my bedroom and to the kitchen. I find Hetty making us a breakfast none of us will forget. Pancakes, burritos, toast, cereal, eggs, bacon, milk, everything I could imagine for breakfast.
"Owen, I thought I said I didn't want to see anyone until 7 am" Hetty glared
"Well Henrietta I thought I would help you make breakfast but it looks like you already have that handled" I joke
"Well they are in my house I have to make everyone feel welcome. Also they might not be able to taste my food ever again, this will be something they will remember"
"Always a pleasure Henrietta always a pleasure"

Deeks' pov
Me and Kensi wake up quite early, we are obviously still have parental clock on. We get up and have a shower and get changed. It's just turned seven, obeying Hetty's orders we go to the kitchen and see Hetty and granger talking. We walk slow and quiet so we can hear what they are saying, it kind of sounds intimate.
"Always a pleasure Henrietta, always a pleasure" Granger says
"Kens, is it me or does it look like they were having an intimate moment?" I ask loud enough so they can hear.
"Why yes, Deeks it does" Kensi replies
"What do you mean intimate?" Granger questions
"Well you know that thing people do when they are flirting and like each other? Well it's the moment after that" I say
"I can assure Mr Deeks me and Owen didn't have an intimate moment. I can also assure you if you even bring this up again I will personally show you my letter opener" Hetty evilly smiles
"You don't have a letter opener here"
"Oh Mr Deeks do you really want to find out if I do or not?"
"Well I think I should go and wake up everyone to enjoy this wonderful breakfast" I say as fast as I could and then kind of ran as fast as I could go 'wake' everyone up.

I knock on Sam's door and I can here movement already so I just say
"Yo Sam, Hetty's got the breakfast ready" I hear a mumble so I move onto Callen's door but I walk straight past it, everyone knows he is already awake. I walk down the hallway to Neric's room. I knock on the door but no answer, I knock a couple more times and still no answer.
"I'm coming in" I walk in and Eric is naked with a blanket around his you know what, and then Nell is also naked and cuddling with Eric. "OMG! Ewwwww..... Guys that's gross! Breakfast is ready" I kind of throw up in my mouth a bit. I kind of run back to Kensi. I just realised how childish that sounds.
"Oh hey Deeks" Kensi smiles
"I think I'm never going to eat again" I fake shake
"I walked in on something I really shouldn't of"
"I would ask but by the look of Nell and Eric I can..... Oh hey Neric!"
"Hi guys"they say in unison

Kensi's pov
After Deeks left I was couldn't help but think if Hetty did have a letter opener. To be honest I wasn't brave enough to ask. After Deeks came back he seemed a bit spooked, but judging by the way that Nell and Eric came out and wouldn't make eye contact, proves that something fairly awkward went on. I think I might ask him later.

"So Hetty what's our plan? We are sort of running out of time?" Callen asks
"Mr Callen no business when eating" Hetty told him
"I agree with him Hetty we need a plan because they could come bursting through that door any time soon" I agree. I hear a few mumbles supporting us.
"Ok. We methodically take out everyone coming our way. Trying not to kill them but injure them enough so they will talk. Whilst we do that Nell and Eric will be in the tech lab here trying to figure out who's hunting me. Under any circumstance do not let anyone know that Callen is my nephew. Also always keep a weapon on you at all times" Hetty explained
"Hetty one question" Eric says
"Yes Mr Beale"
"Where the tech lab?"
"Of course, this way"
Hetty leads everyone. To a wall with pictures on it.
"So where is it?" Granger asks
"Here" Hetty says
She touches part of the wall and it lifts up where a hallway is exposed. We walk down this hallway that at the end presents a top of the range tech lab. I think anyway, that stuff bores me.
"Wow Hetty! This is amazing" Deeks says. The tech twins are stood there frozen
"Hetty how did you get all this stuff it's so new and so techy! How did you do this?" Nell screams in excitement.
"Is this the electro-malissi 456 gathered? These don't come out for another 3 years!" Eric shouts
"Tech twins.... Seriously you need to calm down this is just technology, it will one day rise up and kill us." I say. Everyone in the room stops and looks at me like I just said I'm moving to Australia. "What?"
"Gonna one day rise up and kill us? That's a bit extreme Fern" Deeks mocks
"Really Kens?" Eric and Nell question
"What? I don't trust technology that much that's all" I reply innocently
"But still?" Sam asks. Callen, Hetty and Granger just stand there laughing
"Ok putting that behind us, Mr Beale, Miss Jones can you try and track down who is trying to kill me" Hetty politely suggests
"Yeah sure Hetty." Nell replies.

About 5 minutes later all the typing stops and Neric turn to look at us.
"We've found that the people who are hunting you are the biggest Russian bosses" Eric starts
"These people not only want to kill you but probably torture you so bad that you wish you were dead. These men are Adrian. Akim Aleksandr. Andrey Arina. Artyom Albert. Arkady Boris. Vladimir Vadim." Nell finished.
"This is much bigger than I thought" Hetty announced.
"Wait guys who are those people outside the gates trying to get in?" I ask nervously
"That's them! Gear up guys" Nell shouts. I hand Nell my gun to protect her and Eric if it comes to that.
We run down the corridor and pull a fake wall down then some steel bars then the last fake wall. We rush to the weapons room and gear up.
"Whatever happens, don't give up hope. I want all of us alive after this" Granger announces
"Deeks?" I whisper when we get our weapons.
"Yeah Kens" he whispers back
"No matter what happens, just know I love you."
"Kens don't think like that. I made a promise to you 4 years ago that I wouldn't die and I'm still keeping that promise, for you and the twins" he kisses me. We split up into pairs and we are at the back of the house. Just as the door kicks in and Russians come in, guns blazing.

I'm not so happy with this chapter, it's taken me 2 days to write. Buts sorry I haven't been updating I've been ill and helping my dad at the same time, so I haven't had much time. But please do forgive me as I will update everyday this week until Saturday! Also can you do me a favour and tell me if I have said who Callen's father is because I've been reading some other books and sort of confused it with my own! Thanks!

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