Night to remember

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Deeks' pov
When we arrive at the gala I'm at Michaels side the whole time. What he doesn't know is that S.W.A.T is outside waiting to take down everyone in here. There is all sorts of people her drug dealers, gangsters and murderers. One person who I do not recognise stands up on stage and announces that there is a contest going on and someone will die tonight. I say the code word which is "tomatoes" and S.W.A.T rush in take everyone down to the ground and escort me out and I shout to Michael "see you when I see you" I get into Sam and Callen's car and we drive back for a debriefing.

Kensi's pov
I get a phone call of Hetty.
"Hello Miss Blye, you can come home back to headquarters. Mr Deeks is undercover for the night but you will be able to see him when you return."
"Omg! Hetty, Thank you so much! When's my flight?"
"It's in half an hour so get packing. I look forward to seeing you! Also if you think that you and Mr Deeks can keep your relationship secret think again..."
"Wait Hetty you know?"
"I know everything Miss Blye. Now see you soon"
"Thank you and see you soon too!"
I rush around this tiny apartment get in the cab that's waiting and go to the airport. It takes 3 hours to get back to LA and there's a cab waiting for me! When I get to the NCIS building I go to see Hetty but also see Nell and Eric. They were so confused, I forgot I was suppose to be dead.
"Look Nell, Eric I know you have so many questions but I'm really alive but I've got to talk to Hetty so I'll tell you all about it later! Also don't tell Deeks yet I want to tell him myself" Nell hugs me tightly so does Eric and I head on to Hetty's office. She looked so pleased to see me we started to talk and everything flew bye and the next thing I know is it's 10pm and I hear voices Sam's, Callen's and Deeks. I run out to see them, at first Deeks doesn't see me but when Callen and Sam stop he knows something is up. He looks around and says "I must really be missing Kensi I can see her, bet none of you can so I'll imitate what she's doing"he goes up to me stands beside me. He touches me on the shoulder and sees that I'm real. "You guys see her too?" Sam and Callen were nearly in tears, the next thing I know Deeks has picked me up I'm wrapped around me and we're kissing in front of everyone. We both start crying, tears of joy.
"How are you here? I thought you were dead we all did!"
"There was someone after me, named Michael and he wanted me dead so I had to get away whilst you guys got him. The only way was for me to die." He kisses me again. Sam and Callen look at us and Callen hands ten dollars to Sam.
"Next time I'm never going to bet you" Callen says. We all just laugh.
"So what was that kiss about huh?" Sam and Callen both say at the same time.
"Well we have kind of been dating" Deeks says
"How long?" Sam asks
"About a year" Me and Deeks say in unison. The boys looked happy for us but also like they were gonna kill Deeks. They knew that could wait until tomorrow.
"I missed you so much Kens I never want to live without you again or be without you" Deeks says as a tear forms in his eye.
"I missed you so much Deeks, all I wanted was you when I was in New Orleans. I love you so much" that was the second time I said I loved him and actually meant it with all my heart this time.
"I love you too" he kissed me again then carried me out bridal style and into his car. He told me Monty was really sad when I weren't there so I know I was missed especially by Deeks!
This was a night to remember!!!!!!!

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