21. I Won't Stop Until We're Miles Apart

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Sorry for the incredibly long wait but you've all been so patient so I thank you for that!

Anyways, please enjoy!


- Asmara

Aicha runs ahead of me as I trail not too far behind, my breathing shallow and my heart pumping fast from the hard workout. Sweat has coated my body from the humid air and warm blood is pumping around my body, causing me discomfort. I don't discourage the run though, wanting Aicha to continue taking me around the border so I can scout the environment of Torben's territory.

There's nothing but trees and mountains as far as the eye can see. No matter which direction I go, I'll be met with harsh conditions and I'm not sure how far I'll be able to make it before It's realised that I've escaped. That's if I manage to escape at all.

Torben has his pack run strictly. Guards are on every corner and anything out of place or suspicious, easily catches their attention.

Not good for me in the slightest.

I haven't figured out what I'll do once I've escaped either. Where will I go? Will I try to find my way back to home or will I just see where the path takes me, keeping everyone else safe in the process?

It causes me great heartache to even think about leaving everyone else behind but it would be in my best interest to do so.

"Asmara, keep up or I'm going to lose you." Aicha calls over her shoulder when she realises   I'm not right behind her. I'm too wrapped up in my own thoughts that it's caused me to trail further behind.

If only she would lose me. It would make escaping that much easier.

I run faster to catch up with her and when I do she finally stops at the edge of Torben's territory, in between the field and the outskirts of the woods. Pack members are using the field to train, many fighting one on one while others practice their positioning. It reminds me of when I used to train with my dad, the many hours spent so I could catch up with those who could already fight instinctually.

The males and females are all training separately and my eyes drift to the female warriors. My mood drops when I see Ezlyn. She's training them, yelling at them harshly to work harder and throwing harsh words at those who are beginning to tire.

Aicha is watching them too, silently shaking her head in disagreement for the way Ezlyn is training them. "I swear, if it was me training them I wouldn't be half as harsh as she is."

"Some people aren't mean to be leaders," I respond, Ezlyn catching us watching her when she turns her head in our direction. She throws me a nasty glare before going back to training the other females. I release a deep breath to calm myself, Aicha narrowing her eyes back at Ezlyn.

I wish she was six feet under.

"Follow me," Aicha walks across the field as I slowly start to follow her, "I'll show you where the true warriors train."

True warriors?

She takes me pass Torben's home, pass all the buildings where I see a group cheering and shouting words of encouragement to two males fighting one on one. They both have a silver knife in one hand, slashing at the other with fierce aggression. My stress levels rise at the sight, alarmed I ask Aicha, "Why are they using silver? Are they deliberately trying to kill each other?"

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