32. A War Is Brewing

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Merry Xmas everyone!




- Torben

Des and James stayed far behind me and Felice, who lead the way uphill and along the river rushing down the hill. I had those two walk a lot slower and out of earshot so I and Felice could discuss openly what was happening with the vampires. I covered my intentions up by telling them I needed them to watch our backs and keep their eyes peeled across the river and listen for any strange movement. The rest of the warriors were split up across the terrain in small groups.

    It was two hours ago that we left and we had only just touched the peak of the forest hill. We opted to walk in human form rather than shift. We were scouting the area, not trying to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves that would alert Draven's vampire coven to our presence.

Not that they could come out and attack if they wished. The sun was still out and brighter than ever. And with the trees shedding leaves in preparation for winter, there was no shade from the sunlight. The only ones left to worry about were the runes, who had no quarrel with the sun. They were the vampire's eyes and ears during the day and with Kyler leading them, I wanted to be extra careful not to attract attention.

There was nothing to see, hear or smell at the peak of the forest hill, save for the gorgeous view of the mountains ahead. The pinpoint of Draven's territory. The forest was quieter than usual with many of its natural residents getting ready to hibernate or move southward where it was a lot warmer. However, there was nothing in the forest that shouldn't be there already, which meant Draven's minions weren't out on patrols. Strange, considering Felice had smelt a few around my own territory.

"Draven's keeping his men reeled in closer to the mountains." Felice was standing in front of me, his gaze fixated on the mountains ahead.

I made the decision to tell Felice about Draven a few days after I came to the bitter conclusion that a war could be brewing. It was in my best interest, as well as, Felice and Asmara's. To keep all of us safe, especially to stop Draven from getting his filthy hands on my mate. I told Felice about the deal we struck when I was just a pup and that I went to visit him a few weeks ago when I found out what he did to Asmara's wolf. I told him everything, right down to the dirty, little details. Felice was obviously hurt that I kept these pieces of information from him when he'd been nothing but loyal for years but I could only admit that I had my reasons. When he overcame his initial emotions, he got to work and knowing who was behind the vampire sightings, gave him a clearer vision of what sort of trouble the pack could see itself in.

I look towards the direction he's currently assessing. "What makes you think that?"

"If you're declaring war, you want as much protection around you as you can get. He has his men closer in case you decide to attack before he's ready." Felice sniffs the air, a deeper, longer one. Reaching his senses out further.

"Why would you declare war before you're even ready?" I wonder aloud, trying to wrap my head around Draven's mindset.

"When you're addicted to power, you become impulsive, but that isn't to say he and his army aren't still dangerous," Felice answers for me and then he nods down at the mountains. "They're definitely down there, I caught a faint scent. A rune, if I had to guess."

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