59. You Were Always The Prey

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I appreciate you all for being so patient with me. We are slowly approaching the end of this book and I want to thank you all for supporting me during the whole process!




- Asmara

My body hurt, my throat burned every time I swallowed, and I could barely open my eyes as I was caried through darkness.

My memory was hazy and my consciousness barely there when I attempted to look up at the man carrying me. His features were fierce and determined and the sight stirred something uneasy within me.

"Des?" My voice was a croaky whisper, and I instantly regretted speaking. Fuck, my throat felt like it was on fire.

"Go to sleep, Asmara. We're nearly there."

I don't know why but the way he said it had me alarmed, and I couldn't voice my concerns because I was in so much pain.

Des must have felt my body stiffen because his eyes looked down at me and softened. I blinked at him, apprehension swirling in mine, and he could sense I knew something didn't feel right. A tear slipped from my eye because of the pain and Des wiped it away with his thumb, a hint of regret in his gaze. "I'm sorry, you were like family to me..."

I didn't get more than that before I passed out.


I woke to darkness, and it was the worst kind of torture I could wake up to after the destruction, chaos, and violence I took part in last night. It left me feeling frightened and confused. I didn't know where anyone was or where I was for that matter, and something felt off.

My wolf was unusually quiet and when I tried to reach out to her, it felt like there was a mental wall of steel keeping us apart.

Something was very wrong.

And where was Torben?

Had he survived?

Was he injured?

Our one-sided bond had always bothered me because it ate at me that I couldn't mark him and feel him like he could feel me, but this was the worst because I couldn't sense if he was alive. Something in my gut told me even if we had been fully bonded, I would be left with nothing but the same steel wall that kept me from reaching out to my wolf.

I rubbed at my throat, feeling that it was still sore. Every time I swallowed, I wanted to burst into tears at the pain. I could still feel the smoke heavy on my lungs and taste it on my tongue.

It was dark and cold where I was, but I knew the bed I was lying on wasn't from home. I was nowhere near home and that scared me.

The room was dark, save for light filtering in from wholes in the room. Par the bed, there was no other furniture in here. I don't think it could have fit another piece of furniture anyway because it was abnormally tiny.

I tried to sit up to see more and when I did, I realised two things. The first was the pounding behind my eyes. The second was the clanking of metal when I tried to move my other hand. My stomach sank when I looked to see my wrist chained to the wall. It was dark but with what little light escaped through the scattered gaps in the walls allowed me to see the markings. They weren't just chains, but silver engraved with symbols that would prevent me from using magic to get out of this.

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