Enjoy the update!
- Asmara
I Sat on a cushioned chair, not participating in any conversation. My mother was next to me, talking to Aicha. They appeared to be getting along even when I didn't care for what was being said.
The tent my father allocated to us was a generous size. The tent itself was made from a strong and resilient material. I could barely hear the rain pounding against it from outside. Inside the tent walls and floor were royal blue and the cream cushioned sofas were covered pillows of different shades of blue.
Comfortable enough.
We were also given wine and food, served by my father's servants. And guards surrounded us, mostly for my mother's protection. I knew she didn't need it but that was my father for you. Torben had orders that his guards be around, too. They were similar in that way.
Hours later, my mind was still on my mate and what he was going through. He still hadn't come back. He was hurt and out there in the rain alone. I know he needs time, but I didn't want him to go through this alone.
And I was angry. Angry at my father for telling my mate something so heart-breaking, especially during such a rocky time. Trust was needed if we were going to survive this war and this alliance, and my father put that at risk.
I had been seething for too long and needed to speak to him.
Ezlyn was back to human form, dressed in fine clothes, offered to her by my mother. A warm fitted, white top and cream, loose fitting bottoms. She was cozied up with her female warriors, whispering and giving suggestive, side-long glances to my father's guards around the room. The guards shifted and struggled to pretend not to notice the female gazes openly watching them. They weren't used to woman being so forward.
Ezlyn's eyes finally met mine from across the tent and I gave her a look that told her I needed to speak to her privately. Concerned, she rose from her comfortable spot on the couch, and I did the same, forcing those around me to look up at me.
Felice stood immediately. "Is everything okay, Asmara?"
My mother and Aicha paused there conversation.
"I'm fine. You can stay here with my mother and Aicha, I'm just having Ezlyn take me to the ladies room." She was the only one I trusted right now to take me where I wanted to go, no questions asked. Felice would only argue around every corner. His loyalty to Torben ran too deep.
Ezlyn was next to me, taking my arm to lead me away and I was so grateful for her assistance. "Don't worry, Felice. I'm not going to lose her."
Felice looked like he wanted to insist on escorting me himself but my mother surprisingly interfered. "She's my daughter and she's surrounded by wolven's she's known her entire life. She'll be fine for five minutes."
Felice bit his tongue, not wanting to offend my mother by possibly insulting members of her pack that she trusted with her own life. He forced himself to sit back down and said, "Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it."
"I'm sure you didn't." My mother responded, unconvinced, meanwhile, giving me and Ezlyn a wink that told us to get going.
Ezlyn refrained from laughing and had me moving before Felice could change his mind. But after that I don't think he would. "So," She whispered, mischief dancing in her hazel eyes, "What sort of trouble are we getting ourselves into that will make Felice lose his mind?"

The Rogue King {18+} (Book 2)
Werewolf[COMPLETED] I was cursed at such a young age, abandoned by my own wolf and the Moon Goddess for something that wasn't in my control. I don't even think having a mate is in the cards for me... ✨🌘✨ I jumped when the final horn sounded, circling the...