2. Escaped Prisoner

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Hey guys, I just want to let you know that when I bring up their ages it's because I'm showing how much time has gone past. I'm not putting up the ages now because Asmara is still 6.

I hope this makes sense.


I'm posting this chapter earlier than I would like because my birthday is next week and I won't be updating until the week after.



- Asmara

I wake up to the sound of commotion coming from downstairs. I sit up In bed, my bandaged ankle protesting a little at the action as I rest my head against my headboard.

It's still dark out, the moon absent tonight as the stars do little to bring some light into my otherwise dark room. I continue to hear noise coming from downstairs along with a few voices, two of them I recognise to belong to my parents.

I can't make out what they're saying, my curiosity spiking as I struggle to climb out of bed, balancing myself on my good ankle as I limp towards my bedroom door.

Laurey did a good job bandaging my ankle and it's not far from being completely healed after I've spent most of my time in bed for the last four weeks since I fell from the tree. I haven't minded it though, mummy and daddy have kept me company and Wyatt has kept me amused when he's around.

It also means I've been able to avoid Owen and his friends, a relief I didn't know I needed.

I'm not out of the woods yet, my ankle still sends a dull ache up my leg every time I step towards my bedroom door, careful not to accidentally bash it on anything as I navigate myself through the darkness.

I reach out my hand, feeling for the doorknob before turning it once I've found it. I quietly open the door, a slight creak echoing around the dimly lit hallway which causes me to flinch. I soon realise no one had heard it, releasing a sigh as I step out into the hall and carefully close the door.

The voices downstairs become a lot clearer as I approach the top of the stairs. I step down a few steps until I can see the doorway of the lounge through the stair railings. I immediately recognise my mum's best friend and the vampire King, Tristan.

He's dressed in very expensive fabric, his navy blue shirt tucked into his dark trousers with boots that are meant for active work like fighting or running. They're filthy which makes me believe he may have run here tonight along with the way his features show urgency.

My uncle, Arif is next to him and he too appears a little agitated as if something bad has happened. My uncle wears the same boots with dark trousers and a black shirt as he listens to Tristan address my parents, "I have no idea how this happened, my guards didn't even see anyone go in or out of his cell."

Tristan sounds very worried, my eyes glancing to my dad as soon as he steps into view, surmising, "It sounds to me that this must have been an inside job."

I'm completely lost, trying my hardest to understand what they're all talking about.

Arif dismisses what my father said, defending Tristan's coven, "None of Tristan's guards or surrounding vampires had anything to do with his escape, I've already had Rylan interrogate all of them."

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