41. Send The King A Message For Me

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Enjoy Sundays update!


- Asmara

For two days Reagan had subjected himself to misery by refusing all luxuries at his disposal. It frustrated me. He was already in a bad state and if he didn't fix himself with a bath, fresh clothes... I was worried he was going to get sick.

And he wouldn't eat. I had personally brought him different dishes with a variety of meat, vegetables, and other nutrients that he needed, but everyone he declined, saying he wasn't hungry, though a grumbling stomach said otherwise.

I didn't fight him on it and left the plates next to him, hoping he'd change his mind. The next day they were still untouched.

"You can't carry on like this," I told him.

He only looked at me—through me with eyes that were red from lack of sleep. "I'm not touching anything your mate has to offer."

I sighed. He still couldn't get past how much he hated my mate. He still believed that Torben wasn't to be trusted and his pride wouldn't let him enjoy any of the luxuries if it meant it came with a price. "Torben's not the enemy, Reagan."

"Tell that to your father." Reagan only said and it made me go silent and turn away.

"Damn you," I threw over my shoulder, but I didn't really mean it.

Reagan didn't move or make a sound to confirm he heard it.

After that Reagan continued the same way and I'd visit every few hours, sitting and waiting to see if he'd finally give in. I wasn't alone, Torben didn't force himself to accompany me, knowing how Reagan felt about him, but he did make sure I had Felice or Desmond with me.

I took Felice with me once and he enraged Reagan with his presence and devastatingly, truthful comments that Reagan almost snapped and threw himself at him. The only thing that stopped him was me jumping In between and forcing Felice to stand down. After that I refused to let Felice come with me and so, Desmond it was.

Reagan struggled to keep his anger on a tight leash. And it didn't help that he was hungry, sleep-deprived and filthy.

Desmond didn't say much to Reagan because he sensed how easy it would be to make the wolven snap. He was only there to entertain me and keep me company while I watched over Reagan, and of course to stand guard in case Reagan tried to flee or become a danger to himself. He made the hours that I forced myself to stay there bearable because he was good at light-hearted conversations, and it helped to distract from the fact Reagan despised me being there. Seeing me. After months of thinking I was suffering... he still struggled to look at me.

But as the days dragged on, with Draven's threat to attack in a few weeks, Torben began to grow impatient.

And so, we had no choice but to continue forward even though Reagan still saw my actions as a betrayal. He couldn't help it and I understood it was difficult for him, even after what I told him. He still couldn't wrap his head around it, and I knew it made him feel guilty and that guilt was eating him up from the inside.

I was back at Reagan's lodgings, finding Reagan in the exact same place that I had left him last night. Sat with his head on his knees on the floor of the bedroom, back leant against the wooden frame of the bed.

Des was behind me, a tall and sturdy figure at my back. "Are you sure you want to disturb him? He looks passed out and I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's been able to sleep since..."

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