37. Search Party

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A short chapter with Reagan's POV.




- Reagan

    We had been searching several weeks, months—I had lost track of the days and hadn't a clue.

    I was a painful sight. My hair had grown into a scruffy mess. My facial hair was stubbly where I hadn't had the time to shave. And my eyes were puffy and dark from sleepless nights. How could I even think to sleep when Asmara was out there with that fucker?

     I had messed up so badly. Her father would never forgive me if I gave up trying to look for her. Giving up wasn't even on the cards. I would find her. It could take me to the ends of the continent to do it, but I would tear this world apart just to find her. And goddess, I hope she knows it. I pray she knows I'm doing everything in my power to get her home—where she belongs.

     Sitting on the ground on the outside of the camp we've set up, I clutch one of Asmara's shirts in my hands. Her scent on the fabric is beginning to fade already, but it's enough to trick my nose into thinking she's here with us. Sat beside me, ruffling my hair and holding me close to her like she used to do. I missed the nights when I would fall asleep beside her. She'd wake up from those nightmares and I'd be there every night, assuring her she was safe with me.

    It's torture having her scent in the air without her physically being here.


    I jump to my feet and look at Morgan running through the woods to meet me. She stops to catch her breath and I feel my heart thrumming, clutching the shirt tighter in anticipation of what she has to say.

    "One of the other search parties just came back with news. A few miles back from here they caught a rogue's scent."

    My hopes skyrocketed and I shouted and demanded, "Pack up camp! Leave anything we don't need. You have thirty minutes!"

    Fires were instantly put out. Tents folded and pulled apart. Food, equipment and mandatory items put into bags.

    Morgan's red hair was matted to her face and her body was exerted with exhaustion, but she made it clear in the way she pulled herself together that she wasn't resting. She was coming and there was nothing I could say to convince her otherwise.

    A strong female that takes after her father. Similar to Asmara in a lot of ways.

    Days later, we had travelled across the forest, almost backtracking most of what we had travelled the past weeks. We came across a dead-end cave, one we had already searched and dismissed almost immediately. The rest of the search party waited outside and I and Morgan walked inside.

I took in the cave quickly. If only because it was nothing but moist rock with a narrow river that ran through it. Apart from that, it was dull and boring with nothing to see. No wonder they dismissed it instantly last time.

    Standing at the edge of the rushing water, were Tate and Tessa. They had taken charge of the other search party. I walked to the water. Its movements were loud and echoing across the cave with undercurrents that were strong and dangerous. I could tell from peering over and staring at the way it moved.

    I asked them both, "Are you sure you smelt rogues near here?"

    "We're certain," Tessa replied. Her dark hair was braided behind her back and her tanned skin covered in perspiration and mud. Tate looks no better. His grey eyes accompanied with dark bags underneath. "It stopped here, just as you move towards the water. We think they're using this to cover their scents."

    I knelt and surely enough the water moved underground and I would bet anything it opened up somewhere else. It explained the dangerous undercurrent if it's source was the ocean. "It's fucking clever," I stated bitterly, green eyes snapping to Tate. He nodded, his eyes darkening with the same bitterness.

    "Has anyone checked to see where it goes?" 

    Tate was already shaking his head. "No, we wanted to wait for you."

    Still holding Asmara's shirt, I held it close and prayed. Please take me to her.

    "Morgan, Tate and Tessa follow me. The rest of you stay here in case we don't come back. Make sure the king learns of this place."

We each prepared ourselves with weapons. Protocols being put in place in case we didn't make it back.

    Tate and Tessa bristled, preparing themselves for the jump. Morgan was already next to me and itching to get going. I looked at her and she gestured for me to jump. I looked back toward the water and did exactly that.

I gasped at the freezing temperature of the water as it shifted and thrashed against my body. Strong and unforgiving, but I outpowered it with all my might, pushing against the current trying to force me back.

    I was so tired and exhausted but I kept going. I was going to get Asmara back even if it killed me.

    The water came to a dead-end a couple of minutes later and the only way to go was up. I gasped for breath the moment I broke through the water's surface. I hauled my body onto the rocky ground of another cave. It was dark and cold, but I could see the entrance where an outside breeze was hitting my face.

Morgan, Tate and Tessa were breaking the surface seconds later, exhausted. I took Morgan's arm and helped her out. Tate climbed out and then helped his twin sister. They were still catching their breaths when I stood and walked to the entrance. It was dark and I couldn't make out a lot.

My wolf came forward to aid me in sight but it was a second too late.

    My heart stopped the second a silver blade was pressed to my throat.

    And then all hell broke lose.


Asmara and Reagan are about to have a reunion!

How do you think Reagan will handle the news of Torben being Asmara's mate?

What do you think Torben will do to Asmara's first love?

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