65. A Traitor for Love

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Have a nice weekend everyone!




- Asmara

    Everything felt...


    That was the first word that came to mind when Raven's power plus my own was returned to me. Feeling my body heal itself was overwhelming as strength and power settled beneath my bones, where it had always belonged.

    It made my body feel brand new and a little foreign. My senses were sharper, more focused. Noises were clearer. Scents were stronger. I was seeing things in fresher, more beautiful colours.

    I now know just how much Draven had stolen from me all these years.

    I no longer have this sense of weakness that Draven had made me feel. Draven thought he had stolen everything from me and then tried to teach me I was the weak one. Instead, I discovered power in knowledge and strategy thanks to my parents, Reagan, Raven and especially Torben. There was more to strength than having power and thanks to Draven, that was the lesson I learned even if that hadn't been his intention.

    I wabbled slightly on my feet as I struggled to navigate my new, stronger body.

    "Woah, princess. You need to take it easy." Torben was already holding my hand but then wrapped a secure hand around my waist at seeing me struggle. "You should be resting. Let me take you home and your parents can—"

    "No," I refused, gently. "I told them I would set them free. I need to make sure they're okay."

    "Of course." Torben's reluctance was clear in his tone, but he could never refuse me anything when I asked nicely.

    Back inside Draven's Mountain, the odour was even more powerful now that my senses were sharper. Even places that looked untouched, rotten blood could be smelt. It had been washed away but that smell would always remain. Draven had taken so many lives here. Innocent lives. And they're deaths had left permanent marks everywhere.

    "This way." I gestured to a dark tunnel, knowing this is where we'd find them. I could already smell their scents coating the air.

    Torben could smell them too, so he didn't question if I was certain. He turned to Laurey who was following closely behind. "There is at least six of them, including a small child. Do you have enough food and supplies?"

    "I have enough food and I'll be able to stabilize any infections but in severe cases we'll need to get them to a cleaner environment as soon as possible." Laurey gripped her pack, heavily filled with medications, bandages and food. Torben had offered to help but Laurey insisted he'd need a free hand to help me.

    "Easier said than done. It might take a long time before they trust us enough to leave with us." Torben frowned.

    "Leave that to me," I said, sure I could coax them out gently.

    I stopped outside the familiar rusted cell door The odour coming from inside was putrid and it lingered with the smell of fear. It's locked so I gently coax into Raven's power and twist the lock until I hear a click.

    "Are you okay to stand on your own for a minute?" Torben asked because he needs both his hands to force the door open.

    "Yes." I bit my lip nervously, afraid of what we'd find. Had they made it through the night? Would they lash out at Torben from fear?

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