3- A Normal Night

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After you and dream showered you put on some new shorts and a tank top. You went back to the room and cleaned up some clothes and put them into your guys hamper. You sat down on the bed and started to edit the video you recorded a few days ago. You looked over and saw dream drying his hair is the open bathroom and he caught you looking at him and he smiled and started to walk over to the bed. He sat next to you and gave you a quick kiss.

"Editing?" he asked.

"Yes sir" you said dragging out the 'R.'

"Babe it's like 12 aren't you tired?"

"Yes obviously, but I need to edit at least some of this because of you I'm off schedule"

"Hmm ok." He replied laying down facing you, well mostly staring at the side of your ass now but still looking at you. You used an extra hand and played with his hair while editing with the other.


You laid down and as you shifted the weight of the bed dream turned to watch you get comfortable. You laid to face him and your face was inches away from each other.

"So, I think we should take a trip down back to Orlando I know you have already met my parents but I want you to meet my sisters this time, and my younger brother." Dream said.

"Ooh I like that Idea, I need to see my parents too they weren't happy when I left." You said looking away. They didn't like the idea of you and dream moving in with each other so soon in the relationship. However, you weren't sure if it was the timing or just him. And you didn't think timing was the right answer. "Also, I want to meet your siblings, I wish I wasn't an only child." You said with a slight frown.

"Well siblings are a pain in the ass." He said. "Have you talked to your parents at all since the move?"

"Yeah, not much though every time we end up arguing so I just say I have to go maybe talking to them in person would be better anyway." You said and he nodded. At this time you got a bright Idea and gasped loudly, making dream jump and almost slap you in the face.

"What oh my god?!" He asked quickly.

"Ok hear me out, what if on the way to Orlando we make sure our layover is in Texas and see sapnap for a few days" you asked excitingly. Dream chuckled and smiled.

"I like that Idea" He replied.

"Yeah?" You asked with a huge smile.

"Yeah" he said kissing you quickly. Falling asleep shortly after.


"Ok lets plan" Dream said rubbing his palms together like a little kid. You smiled and turned your laptop over to him.

"Ok so here is what I was thinking" You said as he nodded "we fly out here in about a week and take a 5 hour flight to Texas, then we stay with nick for approximately 3 days in total and on the fourth day we fly out of Texas and land in Orlando and we see your parents and stay with them for 3 full days then we go stay with my parents for 2 full days and then we fly out making this a 8 day trip in total not counting travel days." You finally caught your breath.

"Ok, wow yeah that sounds like a plan does Nick know?"

"No, it could be a surprise because I already know he is not doing anything the days we arrive I very casually asked and both of our parents were already fine with us staying there."

"Ok! Got it good job baby" He said kissing your forehead. You smiled in response and got off the couch to grab an apple to eat and then you head into your office. You sat down and finished editing your recent video and you uploaded it. You decided to do some pre-filming so you wouldn't have to do anything other than vlog while on your trip.

You spent about 3 hours fully recording your video and downloaded it to your editing software. You didn't have much to do before leaving so at this point you didn't know what to do. You looked around at your laptop and decided to click on discord. You saw a channel with Dream, Sapnap, and George. You texted dream and asked if they were recording and he responded with no so you joined the channel.

"Y/n?" You heard George speak.

"George?" You replied smiling.

"Oh my god I haven't talked to you in like a month" George said.

"Dude me either how have you been?" Sapnap asked.

"I've been good, busy but I'm bored now so hiii" you said.

"Join our Minecraft world we are just messing around" Dream said.

"Ooh ok hopping on now"

You joined the world and hit George. "Oh great I have to deal with this again" he laughed. "Should I stream I haven't in a little bit"

"I like that Idea." You said and he did. He streamed for about 2 hours while all of you guys did team speed runs which was definitely a challenge since it was filled with all of you guys screaming at each other.

After the stream you and dream ate some door dashed buffalo wild wings, took seperate showers which dream was not happy about, and drifted off like a normal night.

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