20- He Really Is The One For Me

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"Morning." Dream said softly into your ear almost making you jump awake.

You took a deep breath "morning." You said curling back into the covers.

"Get up i'm bored." Dream said trying to take the covers back from you.
"That's not my problem" you said. Taking the covers back from dream.
"Please just get up."
"NO!" You yelled.
"Wha- Jeez." He said starting to wheeze. "Whatever." He said walking out the door.

You fell back asleep for another hour and then decided to get up. The sky was cloudy today, gloomy your favorite type of weather. You walked downstairs slowly still waking up.

"Bad weather huh?" Dream said hearing you walk downstairs.
"Seriously? You are talking about the weather and no I love it." You said rolling your eyes. He laughed in response. The clouds started to become more dark and build up.

"Remember our first kiss?" You said. He chuckled.
"Of course how could I forget."
"It was this kind of weather and-"
"And I threw you outside because you were being a brat. Some things never change." You laughed to that.
"And some things do."

"When did you know?" You asked him.
"That I was it for you?" You asked him.
"Oh wow, I mean I knew it that night." He said you smiled.
"It was obvious, I could tell how much you cared about me and I knew that it wasn't going to away." He said looking at his feet.

"Remember when we went to key west and jumped in the water while the sun was setting?" You asked him.
"Why are we going down memory lane?" He huffed a laugh.
"Do you remember?"
"Shit yeah of course."
"I knew I loved you long before that but at that moment, I knew you were just as crazy as I was and I knew that energy wouldn't die."

The rain started to come down starting off small, small droplets hitting the windows. You smiled and walked outside. You did something that could be dangerous but said fuck it. You stripped until you were just in your underwear and winked at dream who was standing inside wide-eyeing you.

You jumped into the pool and started to swim around until the rain started to pour. It felt amazing.

"What are you doing?" Dream said nearly shouting from how loud the rain was.
"Get in get in get in!!" You said.
"You're crazy no way" he said.
"Please!" You shouted. He huffed a sigh and then started to remove his shirt until he was just in his boxers. He dived into the pool and swam over to we're you were standing.

You smiled huge and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You kissed him, half of your body submerged into the pool while the other half was still being poured on by rain. You kissed him with so much passion and so much love. It was messy, but sweet. Your hands running through his hair just like the first time. You head rushed with memories.

From the first phone call.
To the first time you saw his face.
From the first kiss.
To the first passionate moment that led to the bedroom.
From the first argument.
To the last.

You two were now, the only two people to ever exist. The only person you can see yourself with is him. It's him.

"How are you feeling right now?" He asked breaking the kiss to breathe.

"I'm thinking." You said blushing.
"About what?" He asked.
"That it all started with a raid."

Who knew? That one raid could've led to all of this.
And he is, he really is the one for me.

Looks like i've ran out of pages

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