14- It Wasn't The Delivery Guy

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You woke up in your bedroom. The worst feeling you have ever felt in the past 21 years. The realization kicked in, we were over. You laid in bed staring at the ceiling for another 10 minutes until you picked up your phone.

7 missed calls from gogy
13 missed calls from my niki
2 missed calls from snapchat
4 missed calls from quackmister
3 missed calls from karllll

None from the person you wanted to hear from the most. But the worst part of seeing all the notifications was knowing that they knew. The word got out, it spread around it was official. 

You didn't feel like calling anyone back, then you realized that it was already 1 pm. The motivation in you was drained. But you decided to get up and get out of bed. You went downstairs in the empty house and...didn't eat. You would but you just weren't very hungry. 

Your phone was ringing again and you saw that it was George. You clicked decline and then he texted you.


I know you're awake now can you call me please?

You didn't respond. You felt bad because you didn't want him to get the impression that you were taking it out on him but you just didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. You did however, drink some coffee. It felt like a big accomplishment right now. Now, Niki was calling you but this time you answered since you felt safe talking to her.

"Hey" you said quietly.

"Hi y/n" She said softly.

"So I'm guessing you know?" You asked.

"Yeah, George told me how are you feeling?" She asked you.

"Honestly," your voice was starting to break, you took a breath "its been hard, but it's only the next day so that's to be expected. " 

"I'm sorry this happened to you y/n" she said.

"Yeah me too." You replied.

"You should get on Minecraft though, It will distract you and get your mind off of him." She said.

"Yeah you know what, I will." You said and walked into your office. You turned on your laptop and Niki hung up the phone and you joined the discord channel she was in. She was in it with Will, Tommy, and Tubbo. 

"Y/n!" Tubbo shouted.

"Hi guys" you said with a genuine smile. 

"Y/n is back" Tommy said.

"I can't tell if you said that in a bad way or a good way" you said and they all laughed.

"It's a good thing, wait is anyone streaming?" He said quickly in panic. Ended up being, that no one was streaming. You all talked on discord for about 30 minutes before you all joined the SMP.

Time went by fast it was just some running around and you helped Niki build something. You played for about an hour until you went back onto the discord tabs. You saw the channel that George, quackity, sapnap, and Karl were in. You stared at it and went quiet for a while.

"Is everything okay y/n" Niki asked you, you snapped back into reality.

"Yeah" you paused "I'm good I just- I need to go." You said quickly leaving and joining the boys channel.

"I know I can't believe it either." You heard Karl say.

"Can't believe what?" You said. It took a bit for someone to say something.

"Y/n!" Quackity finally said "how are you, how is everything we missed you." 

"What were you guys talking about?" You asked. And again, it stayed quiet.

"You and dream." Sapnap said. You nodded knowing no one could see, you felt like breaking down right then and there but you didn't.

"Okay" you said. 

"Why didn't you answer my calls y/n?" George said in a serious tone.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone to be honest." You said.

"You could of talked to me or anyone else here you know we are all here for you always" George said.

"I know" you said "I know you guys are and I really appreciate that, look can we just not talk about it, please?" You asked.

"Yeah, let's do some MCC practice" Quackity said.

"I like that" You replied. 

You all practiced and trained for the next MCC for about 3 hours and it was really nice. You laughed with all you friends again and had a lot of fun. After playing around on Minecraft it was almost 7pm. 

You edited some videos and you even ended up posting one that you made a few weeks ago, it was your birthday vlog. This, is when you started to cry again. You looked so happy and you saw everyone together having fun. A clip of you and dream talking to the camera came up and the tears fell down your cheek. You didn't watch it fully through because it was just too hard. You ended up falling asleep already at 11pm.

1 week later.

You felt good. You were healing. It was time that you picked yourself up and really focus on yourself and your career. Exactly what dream said he was going to do, but do you see any new videos on his YouTube? Nope. Has he streamed? Also no. Not your problem anymore. Unlike him, you were streaming on an every other day basis. Getting lots of donations, no one knew you were broken up yet so donations asking where dream was were coming up. Your usual response. "He is in his office guys but he is busy so we don't want to bother him."

You were sitting at you computer doing some work and watching some of your YouTube Videos until there was a ring at the doorbell. You got a new ring light so you were praying it was the delivery guy. You opened the door.

"Hey y/n" Dream said to your blank face.

So, it wasn't the delivery guy.

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