6- Learn More About You

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"It was really good to see you guys again, I will miss you" Sapnap says engulfed in dreams hug.

"We will see each other again soon" Dream half smiled. Sapnap came over and hugged you goodbye and watched you and dream walk into the airport security line.

After security you guys went on the flight to Orlando, It was about 4 hours and it went by pretty quickly.

"Excited?" Dream said about an hour away from landing.

"Nervous" you responded.

"Why? You know my mom loves you."

"No, I know" you didn't want to tell him the truth. You were nervous for him to see your parents again.

"And my siblings are pretty funny, we have good genes." He said and you scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah I know I feel better thanks" you said with a small smile. You rested your head on his shoulder and rested your eyes while waiting for the rest of the flight to go by.

Once you guys landed you started walking to the baggage claim. There you saw dream's parents waiting. You saw dreams eyes light up and when dreams mom spotted him she gasped and started slow running towards him.

"Ohh Clay!!" she squealed with her eyes watering hugging dream. "You look great honey" She turned towards you and you smiled. "Oh and Y/n! Its so nice to see you how are you?"

"It's nice to see you too! And I'm doing great how are you?" You asked her.

"I'm doing good as well" she started rambling on as you and dream both got the greeting to his dad out.

"Let's get the luggage's" his dad said waiting for your bags to come out.

Once all of you got in the car dream's mom was catching up on everything with you and dream. His dad looked bored out of his mind.

"Honey" he said quickly as a 'shut up' word. "So clay, that superbowl huh?" he said and you saw his mom roll her eyes. Dream and his dad started talking about football pretty much the rest of the ride home.

Once you got to his parent's house you got a few of the luggage's out of the back ad walked up to the door and dream's dad opened it for you. You thanked him and walked in to see his siblings all on the couch.

(Here is the fake names I'm giving to all of dreams family. there really clever)

Dream's mom- Drom
Dream's dad- Drad
Dream's older sister- Dreama
Dream's middle sister- Drista (duh)
Dream's younger brother- Drother

They all just kind of looked at you for a little bit until Dreams oldest sister got off the couch and walked over to you.

"Hey I'm Dreama its nice to meet you" she said and shook your hand.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n"

"Yeah we have heard a lot about you my mom was so exited for you guys to fly in" she said and she led the both of you to sit on the couch.

"Hey guys I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you finally after all this time!" You said and dream sat down next to you and his sister.

"Clay!!" Drother yelled and jumped on dream.

"Hey buddy!" Dream responded and did a first bump.

"I'm going to get started on dinner while you guys talk" Drom said walking into the kitchen.

"Anyways, I'm Drista nice to meet you Y/n" she said leaning forward to shake your hand.

You guys talked about a lot. His siblings had a lot of questions about you and all your social media gains. They started talking about dream's YouTube, Drista even pulled a joke about he never posts.

"Hey!" dream got defensive "I'm a busy person"

"Mmhm sure." Drista said and everyone started laughing.

You asked all of them about school and sports trying to get know them. Once dinner was ready you all went up to the table and sat down.

Dream was right about his siblings, they all are really good and can take jokes. Even his mom and dad are hilarious. It made dinner a fun experience. Everyone would crack jokes and laugh.

"Would you like any help cleaning up?" You asked Drom.

"Oh no please, do not worry about a thing why don't you and clay take your things up to his room." You nodded and grabbed dreams arm. You both grabbed your luggages and went into his teenage room.

"Wow" you looked around at his Minecraft postered room. "You really do have an obsession"

"Like you don't already know that." He laughed. You sat down on the edge of his bed and looked around you went into his closet and saw a few boxes.

"What's this?" You asked him.

"Old things, childhood stuff."

"We should go through this stuff its so memorable."

"You would wanna do that with me?" He asked surprised.

"Of course" You said taking one of the boxes out. When you opened you saw some family albums. You dug through more and started laughing when you saw a Taylor swift poster folded up.

"Stop that- that's so embarrassing." He said taking the poster from the bottom of the box and threw it away. You couldn't stop laughing. "Shut up! Stop acting like you didn't have a celebrity obsession in your younger years."

"Ok fine, fine I'll stop."

"So, who was the celebrity crush?" He asked you.

"Oh not important"

"Come on tell me"

"No" You said and he grabbed your hips and started tickling you. "STOP!" You were laughing. "OK! fine" he stopped and waited for you to answer. "Justin Bieber" you said quickly. He of course, started to laugh.

After going through the last box about an hour later you guys had new or old? things to take home.

Drother barged opened the door and started shooting dream with a nerf gun.

"Oh it is on!" He said grabbing a nerf gun that was on one of his shelves. You laughed and he ran out the door shooting his brother.

You walked downstairs to talk more with his sisters and his mom. You got to know more about his sisters and they started to learn more about you.

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