16- That's What I Think

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You woke up and a checked you're phone set on the bedside table, 10:23. You flipped over and saw dream laying there. Acting like he still lived here. You flipped back over so you didn't have to face him, the movement causing dream to wake up.

"Morning" He says to you. You flip over to face him, you sat up on your bed and ran your hand through your hair.

"You need to leave, and don't come back." You said.

"Why?" He asked quickly.

"Well, besides the fact that i'm starting my period, you should of never showed up." You shifted your weight so you were now sitting at the edge of your bed.

"I used to live here." He says giving me attitude.

"Yeah, you used to until you broke my heart so it's time for you to go." You said handing him his shirt that was on the floor.

"Can't we just talk about this?" He says again.

"Us talking just led to sex which by the way, was a mistake." You said handing him the pair of pants also by the bed.

"Come on y/n I said I was sorry multiple times I am trying to fix this!" He says getting louder.

"We are not fighting again, I said no second chances I meant it."
"Remember Kevin?"
"That's not fair."
"I gave you a second chance." He says.
"I didn't have any feeling towards him, It was just a miscommunication between him and I." You said explaining yourself
"Still, he kissed you. If i really wanted to be mean I could say you cheated on me, we have both made a lot of mistakes in this relationship you have to forgive me on this one."
"Your mistake had you completely moved out of this house Clay, that was your decision." You explained.
"A wrong decision coming from my part, which i'm so sorry about."

At this point, you just wanted the fighting the confusion and everything to be over. But it's hard to forgive him that easily you just wanted time.

"You really really hurt me clay." You said with a soft voice.
"I know, I saw you collapse it was the hardest thing I had ever watched happen." He said grabbing your hands. This time, you let him touch you.
"But you did, you just watched it happen."
"I have regretted everything I did and I have had that guilt carry me for this past week."
"But Clay, I was hurt that it was so easy for you to just walk away, you left and went on your own with just a snap of a finger." You said. He looked down at your hands touching together.

"It wasn't easy, I pushed you away because I got scared and I shouldn't have it was my fault entirely you did nothing wrong." He says intertwining your hands so they were now fully being held. "You hear me nothing." He says looking up to you.

"Can I just think about it, for a little?" You asked with a quiet voice almost a whisper.

"Yes, yeah of course take your time." He said with a smile.
"Thank you."
"I will leave you to think now." He said excited knowing you were giving him a chance. As soon as he walked away you missed his hand touching yours. You missed him and you missed his touch.

Seriously? What do you have to think about the answer is a simple no. You told him no coming back and no second chances, despite that he still left.
But do I really need to say no?

But he is also, him. He is the man that you love and your soulmate. You don't need him but he makes you want to live. He makes you feel alive.
Why is this so confusing?

You just wanted to say yes, come back and kiss him again. But, you didn't know if it was that easy to just forgive and forget. You might be able to take him back but it's going to take awhile for you to give back to him. The trust issues of him leaving are too high now. You keep asking yourself the same question.
What if he does it again?

Overthinking, probably one of the worst thing that happen to so many people. It really does eat you up inside.
Why is this so hard?

Your mind is spinning. The correct answer is no. But, you want to say yes, and forgive him. But as your reasons from above still stay there.
Maybe a second opinion?

Maybe you should call Niki?

You picked up your phone and called Niki.

"Hey" She said picking up the phone.
"I need your help."
"Sounds serious" she says going wide eyed.
"It is."

You explained the whole situation to her while she listening making slight disapproving noises. She knew you guys broke up but she didn't know the full story, but now she does.

"So yeah, I want to say yes but I really don't know if that's a good idea." You said staring at her.
"Okay that was a lot hold on." She says, you nodded watching her and she stared at the phone.
"Okay." She finally said.
"Okay?" You replied back.

"Okay well there is defiantly lots of confusing things happening. You both care deeply for each other." She starts as you nod. "But he did really hurt you and I can see that" you signed knowing she was right. "BUT, you have also made some mistakes in the relationship." She said.

"Niki!! You are not helping I already know this."
"Y/n I cant make your decision for you."
"I know." You signed.

"I wasn't finished." She says. "But, I have never seen two people more deeply in love with each other than the both of you guys, that's what I think."

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