13- What Did I Just do?

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^^Put this on.

You walked into dreams office and he was sitting on his chair watching a show on Netflix.

"What are you watching?" You asked him.

"Just some action show" he said. You nodded and he just kept looking at you.

"Are you okay?" You asked him.

"Yeah i'm fine y/n" He said.

"Clay you have been distant from me lately." You said confronting him. He stayed silent. "So you aren't okay?" Again, he didn't say anything. "Are we okay?" This time he looked into your eyes. "Clay what is it?"

"Y/n i've been doing some thinking lately." He said pausing in his words. You waited for more but he was holding back on saying something.

"Ok well what is it?"

"Don't you think we moved a little too fast in this relationship?" He said. Your heart dropped.

"No I mean maybe at the start but we-" you grabbed his hand "we are happy right?" You asked. He took his hand away from yours.

"Y/n think about it we met up in person in like the first 3 days of meeting each other." You cut him off.

"Yeah but we had fun, we were so excited." You said shaking your head.

"We had kissed the second day we met up and had sex just a few days after, we weren't even official!" He said getting a little louder. The tears in your eyes were building up.

"But-" You paused and caught a breath "But that's how it was, that's how we worked." You said your words getting faster.

"That's the things, that's how it was." he said pausing.

"Clay what are you trying to say." You asked.

"I just think we need to take a break I need to focus on myself and my career." He said, you tried holding back the tears the best you could.

"Your career? Clay you never even stream." I said angrily.

"Thats what I'm talking about I need to focus on doing things like that!"

"I have never held you back" you whispered.

"I know" he said quietly.

"I have supported you through everything" you said getting louder.

"I know you have y/n!" He paused. "But thinking about these last 8 months I have only been worrying about you!" He said almost getting to a yelling tone.

"I never asked you to take care of me!" You yelled. He walked fast out of his office door.

"You never asked, but I did anyway because I care so much about you."

"So then why are you doing this I have NEVER stopped you once from doing anything you love!"

"Y/n we just need a break for a while I think we both need to focus on ourselves." He said looking down.

"A break?" you paused "Or a break up?" You asked. He stayed quiet and you knew his answer. He wanted this to be over. "Where am i supposed to go?" You said looking at your feet hiding your tears.

"I rented an apartment" he said fast and quiet. Your head shot up and he was already looking at you. "I will stay there."

"Ok so tell me this clay, how long has this thinking of yours been going on because I feel like we've been broken up for weeks and your just telling me now." Now the tears starting to flow.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Just go." You said furious.

"What?" He asked.

"I said leave! pack your shit and leave." You said the exact same thing you said to him when he kicked you out. He looked at you again and went upstairs. You grabbed on to the kitchen counter for support and you started crying. Uncontrollably crying. A few minutes later he walked downstairs and you followed him outside. It was raining and the drops fell onto your hair.

"I'm really sorry" he apologized again, walking towards his car while you stood by the door.

"Clay" you yelled "If you get in that car and shut the door, there is no coming back" you paused looking him in the eyes. You walked closer to his car "no second chances, no redos, we are fully done" you said. He stood at the car door, got in shut the door and drove away. You went weak, you couldn't feel your body you collapsed onto the driveway and buried your hands into your eyes, and cried.

The tears fell like waterfalls and you couldn't breath you felt yourself over ventilating. The rain fell hard and so did your tears. It was over. My soulmate, my everything it's over. You sat there looking across the street and the trees getting rained on. The crying kept going and it didn't stop. You shakily stood up and walked inside. Your clothes, your body and your hair wet.

You looked around the house that used to be your guy's but now? It's just yours. You have an office where the person you love used to sit. You sat on his chair and looked around. The tears kept falling.

You walked upstairs and looked at the bedroom that you guys spent most of your time talking in. The sleepless nights that you guys would spend just talking over, just like that?

This closet still filled with a few hoodies and shirts that didn't belong to you. You grabbed one of the shirts and held it close to you. You grabbed onto the wall and helped yourself to slide down it. You sat on the floor and cried for hours.

Dreams POV

I broke her. I really just broke her. Watching her from my side mirror collapse and cry was the hardest thing I have ever had to watch. It's all my fault, I did that.
The one bedroom apartment felt lonely and empty. I took out my laptop and set it on the desk that was sat here. What Did I Just do?

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