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All the avengers had been called to a meeting in the new upstate compound. Even Peter who was not officially and avenger because he was sixteen but just was unofficially. they had all settled down in the meeting room to talk about potential ways forward. The meeting was long and boring, the only people who really talked were Tony and Steve. A few people were so bored they were trying to find something else to do listening for anything to distract them.

Peter heard it first- a gentle humm of music from upstairs gradually the music lifted and a few other people heard Steve lifted his head. "Tony is there anyone else here?" "nope" he squeaked which was very uncharacteristic of him "there is someone else here?" Tony nodded "who?" Tony started shuffling his feet he had hidden Lexi for sixteen years "my daughter" he whispered Peter was the only one who picked up on what he said. Peter promptly fell off his chair and ssat on the floor stunned "Peter what did Tony say?" Steve came and stood over Peter "um im not sure if i should-" tony nodded "his Daughter." "you have a Kid??!!" half the team yelled Peter covered his ears the music had stopped. She had heard the yelling. 

a voice rung in Tony's head "do i need to come down" "yes Lexi come down" yelled Tony everyone was confused they hadnt heard the girl say anything. Peter's eyes widened "she has powers doesn't she Mr. Stark." "yes she does" everyone's heads turned when there was a knock on the door of the room. "come in Lex" a pretty brunette girl popped her head round the door taking everyone in her eyes were a hazel brown and her hair was a dark brown and almost reached her waist she seemed young. she was wearing jeans and a hoodie with a science Pun on it. 

Peter chuckled at the hoodie he was wearing a similar hoodie with a science pun on it. she stepped fully into the room and sat beside her dad. "how much have you told them?" "that you are me daughter and you have powers and by now they should have figured out that your name is Lexi" "ok should i just tell them the whole story then" Tony nodded.

The girl turned to face the group "hello everyone I'm Lexi Willow Stark. Evidently i am Tony Stark and Pepper Potts daughter - biologically so yes they have been hiding me for sixteen years any questions?"

Nat raised her hand "what are your powers if you dont mind me asking?" 

"oh no not at all we were going to have to talk about that soon anyway, i have control over the elements and variants like ice and lava. i also have the ability to talk to people in their heads." 

a few people just gaped "oh yeah and i guess I'm pretty agile because i can fly"

Peter raised his hand "how old did you say you were?" "I'm sixteen i guess you are wondering why you dont see me at school?" Peter nodded "well this is why" Lexi vanished from view and then reappeared. "you can turn invisible!" "no i dissolve and reappear!" she said sarcastically  "of course i turn invisible" "but why?" because i am not supposed to exist plus its not like i learn much at midtown anyways-" "Midtown?! that's my school" Peter exclaimed. "yeah i know i sit in the spare seat next to you in lets see like every subject." Peter looked confused "can you phase matter or something?" "yeah i become air so people can move through me" "must be lonely" "yeah it is kinda now i can talk to you though" A stern look from Tony "fine i wont Dad" in Peters head "yeah i will in your head though" she was trying not to laugh at Peter's startled expression. luckily no one else noticed the exchange of giggles and shocked looks.

"well everyone it's getting late" said Tony trying to shift the attention" "and those two are going to school Tomorrow so get a shuffle on" everyone turned and left apart from Lexi and Peter.  Peter came over to Lexi "hi I'm Peter Parker" He said "but i guess you already knew that" "yeah i did but its nice to do a formal introduction so I'm Lexi Stark" 

Peter jogged toward the door "nice to meet you Lexi!" he said jogging out the door "Nice meeting you to Peter" both smiled and parted ways because as Tony said they had school tomorrow 

The Girl upstairs (Avengers short story)Where stories live. Discover now