2: O Ring

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Atsumu Miya's Point Of View

"Don't cry 'Sum-'Sum." Koutarou said, patting me on the back.

"B-but I want Kiyoomi to come~" I sobbed, coughing on my own tears. Tooru looked at me before handing me a bucket, which I mindlessly grabbed and threw up in.

"That was the candy~" Tooru whined, crossing his arms. This made me cry harder.

"It's okay kitty cat." Tetsurou said, patting my head between the realistic cat ears I was wearing. On top of that, I wore a black leather collar. I was really fucking drunk.

"This smells bad enough to gag a maggot." I sobbed, pushing it away. Tetsurou walked out with the bucket, taking it outside with the other bins of throw up.

"Guys~" Tooru whined, "Let's clean up a bit, it's gross in here."

"I agree." Tetsurou said. He could take a lot of alcohol, so it was safe to say he was the most sober. He took the initiative to hide everybody's keys incase we did anything stupid. 

I drank two beers yes, but a hell of a lot of shots. Koutarou watched over me as Tooru and Tetsurou cleaned up.

Satori was slung over a chair, head on one side feet on the other. Rintarou was sitting on the couch, staring into the void. He looked as if he was in another dimension.

I huffed, letting the last of my tears stream down my cheeks.

"Music~" I purred, standing up too fast. Koutarou sat me back down, handing me my phone. He went over to the speaker by the tv, turning it on. I went through bluetooth with blurry vision, hooking up to the speaker.

I blasted a feels good playlist which Satori sung along too. I went over to him, sitting at the least elevated point of his body. I slurred the lyrics along with him while the two did a good job at cleaning up. Koutarou went to check how Rintarou was holding up. In which he simply continued staring into the void.

The apartment was rather clean. Not the back yard that was hiding fluids, but inside was not bad. Only stolen alcohol bottles showed lined on the counter with board games scattering the tables. There had also been many snacks in the kitchen. Okay it was not clean, but it was not 'gross' as Tooru called it.

 Rintarou was my roommate. He was the most chill out of all of us. He usually had a bored expression though he did a shitty job of trying to look unamused. He would have a blank face and then go to bursting out in laughter.

Just as 'California Gurls' was blasting on the speaker we got a knock on the door. My hair was a mess, blending into the black cat ears. My eyes had been wet and red from the tears I spread. Other than that, the leather collar sat tight around my neck, making my tanned skin look even tanner. I had a hazy looked in my eyes as Tetsurou went to open the door. I got off of Satori's lap with a grin, waddling over to my brother.

"'Samu! I missed ya so so much~" I slurred.

"Missed ya too ya big idiot." He said, ruffling my hair. "Why are ya dressed like... a cat..?"

"More importantly." A deep raspy voice asked, walking in front of me. Oh my oh my he was so much prettier in person. The mask and gloves are totally hot. I did not expect him to show up.

He looped one finger in the O ring in the front of my collar, pulling me forward.

"Why are you wearing a BDSM collar?" He asked, making my cheeks flush red. I've never worn it around friends nor people because it was 'abnormal'. Nobody knew what it was, so I'd look really fucking weird dressing as a cat. So I was questioning how the hell he knew what it was. I'm only wearing it because my mind is back in Texas right now. 

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