8: Phone Number

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Atsumu Miya's Point Of View

The next two weeks went by pretty boring. I had planned on doing something fun, though everyone was busy with school work. I ended up taking care of my school work as well with a good amount of effort, purely from true boredom. I had only seen 'Samu on campus, I hadn't gone to his place again. Though on the weekend we did go out for food.

During mathematics and biology I always attempted to sit by Kiyoomi. Though he only started sitting by me the last few days. As of now it's a Monday evening. Sunarin is out with my brother somewhere, the two of them seem to be getting along. I learned this information by the many times 'Samu's declined to hangout with me due to the fact he had plans with my roommate.

I'm all caught up on today's work and feel a little off. I chose to relieve that stress by working out, considering many of my roommates hadn't been home. Kou and Tetsu are both out doing whatever they do when they disappear together, and Tooru's off at an evening class. So that leaves Satori and I. However he was busy painting the floor.

This particular art was a massive hole in the floor that fell into an ocean of sharks. The edges of the wooden floors were painted to look broken. It was honestly terrifying. He painted so god damn realistically.

The furniture showed on the outsides of the giant hole, making me wonder if it was real or not. He chose similar colors to the mural on the wall, that way everything matched. Though you could clearly tell it was a painting by the parchment paper and cans of paint surrounding it.

His work could only be described as remarkable.

I had chosen to workout on the porch, listening to music. I closed the curtains in front of the door, considering having Satori in sight was rather awkward.

Eventually working out just got boring. I hadn't run out of stamina, I was just bored. I checked the time to see I had been working out for around sixty minutes, much to my surprise. I let out a breath in amusement, taking off my sweaty t-shirt.

I turned off the music, sliding both my phone and headphones into my short pockets. I went inside and stepped forward, only to have a fucking hard attack. All the parchment paper had been gone and he hadn't even been in the room.

I really just thought I was about to fall, maybe this was a terrible idea. It looked so fucking sick though I couldn't complain.

"Satori!!!" I called, stepping around the mural.

"I'm in my bathroom~!" He called, over the sound of rushing water. I went into his room to see light illuminating from the bathroom. I walked in to see him starting a bath, his hands free from all paint, unlike before.

"What's up?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"First, that's fucking terrifying. Two, is it dry?"

He chuckled, turning off the water.

"Yeah I've gave it the past 45 minutes to dry which is more than enough to touch." He said. "It'll be perfectly dry by this time tomorrow."

"So can I walk on it?"


"Alright, I guess I'm goin' for a swim." I grinned, leaving his and Tooru's bathroom. I walked towards my room first, taking a shower and dressing. I wore simple black sweats and a light weight grayish-blue long sleeve. I left my hair to air dry as I walked back into the living room. I went in front of the front door, slowly stepping forward. I knew it had been a painting but it was damn terrifying. I think we'd get in a shit ton of trouble if the school found out we were doing this to our rental.

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