14: Ice-cream Parlor

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Atsumu Miya's Point Of View

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I declined the fifth call from 'Samu by now.

"You should really answer him Atsumu." Sunarin said, watching me from his bed.

"Fuck off."

"Damn alright. Well instead of sitting here depressed, wanna go out for ice cream? It's the weekend for fuck's sake, do something. You can't keep ditching school."

"I said fuck off Rintarou."

He sighed while I stayed silent for a moment. Not like I haven't the past few hours.

"I want ice cream." I said, sitting up.

"Then let's get ice cream."

"Not with ya, with someone who doesn't steal my brother." I glared at him.

"How long are you going to stay mad at me for?"

"I'll forgive ya once ya buy me ice cream."

"You just said- okay, let's get ice cream."

"Don't talk to me while we're getting it." I said, walking towards the door.

I had been wearing Kiyoomi's hoodie for a few days now and I intended to stay that way. I totally did not intentionally forget to give it back. Nope that is not the case whatsoever. 

"No, get the fuck out here." Sunarin said, pulling me back.

"What." I spat, my shoulders hunched.

"Get fucking dressed, shower, clean yourself up, this is bullshit." Sunarin said, grabbing me by the hood.

"Yer stupid." I mumbled, being dragged into the closet. I looked through my clothes while sulking, pulling out a pair of socks and boxers to start. I grabbed a black pair of sweatpants with a black t-shirt. I decided on keeping the hoodie before walking out of the room to get in the shower.

Though someone I didn't like all that much right now stood blocking my way.

"No." Sunarin said, pushing me back in the closet. "Wear your normal attire."

"Yer a bitch." I said, earning a smack to the side of the head. I pouted, going back in the closet. I put back the black clothing and scanned across the racks of brightly colored clothing. Life wasn't all that colorful right now so I really just wanted to wear black but whatever.

I pulled out a pair of black jeans, earning a look from Sunarin. I fixed his foul expression by grabbing a light pink hoodie with embroidered strawberries on the sleeves. A white t-shirt to go beneath. I was in no mood to wear anything more complex than that. 

I walked my way over to the shower, shutting the door behind me. I undressed from my current outfit, feeling an odd weight lift off my shoulders. Literally. 

I did feel an odd churning feeling taking Kiyoomi's hoodie off though. It made me feel comfortable in a way. He makes me feel comfortable. 

I took a shower, feeling refreshed. I made sure to wash down my body and hair before leaving the shower. I dressed in the clothing I picked out, looking at myself in the mirror.

I looked more cleaned up, though that didn't seem to fix the tired look in my eyes. I frowned, thinking about 'Samu. Will I get the courage to talk to him? I'm just scared to see what he'll say. Scared and stubborn.

My thoughts got the best of me, resulting in tears leaking from my eyes. I let them flow down my cheeks as I stood with my hands on both sides of the sink.

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