3: Bubble Gum

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Kiyoomi Sakusa's Point Of View 

I sat at the dining room table with a cup of tea, scrolling across an article on my computer. Keiji sat across from me, silently reading a book. Most of our roommates had still been asleep, considering most of them didn't take morning classes. Luckily Wakatoshi fell back asleep pretty quickly after my alarm went off.

I had been all ready for school, wearing black jeans and a black short sleeve button up with white vertical stripes. For shoes I wore white sneakers, nothing too fancy. I did wear a necklace that fell over my shirt. I had a pair of reading glasses sat on my nose while I read through the article on my laptop. Though I never wore them outside the house.

Last night was a drastic change from what I was used to. Osamu's brother's place was chaotic. Though I didn't regret going. Definitely not my kind of people but at least I had the chance to live a little. Of course I washed the living shit out of my skin when I got home.

I checked my watch before shutting my laptop and sliding it into a safe spot in my school bag. I drank what was left of my tea before standing up to wash the mug it was held in. 

I always took care of dishes, not because I had to, but because if they sat in the sink for more than five minutes I would go crazy.

I put my glasses on the bookshelf where I usually kept them, plus it almost looked like decoration.

"See you later Keiji." I said, taking my keys from my pocket and heading out the door. 

I own a mean matte black Bugatti my parents gifted me on my sixteenth birthday. She still runs like brand new without a single scratch. 

I went over to the small parking lot beside our house, having only enough spaces to fit six cars. Most of the car's were still parked in their spots, considering it was still early. I preferred to stay home while I could, in the safety of cleanliness. 

The students did a good job on cleaning up, compared to the times my parents told me of, there wasn't all that much trash in the world in general. Which has helped the world greatly.

I drove to the school, having to pay for a parking lot like everyday. Most kids rode their bikes since there was never any parking at the college. Most don't own car's in general. Though paying parking daily isn't all that much and I prefer it much more than to ride a bike. 

There had been quiet a few cars there so I had to park on one of the higher floors, meaning I would have to go through the pain of using the elevator. There were also stairs but I think I'd much rather stay in one place for a few moments rather than walk down three flights of stairs. 

I went over to the elevator, putting my keys back in my pocket. I had my bag on my back, hugging my shoulders.

The walk to the school building was very short from the parking garage. I knew today I started my five courses, which is a shit ton. I was particularly looking forward to biology. I plan on going into the health field and knew that would be the course to get there, an interesting one in my opinion.

I had no interest in seeing sick patients or wounds, but instead I wanted to work with medicaton. I plan on becoming a pharmaceutical scientist, which I knew would take more than biology. I also take classes in pharmacology, chemistry, anatomy, and mathematics. I was interested in learning foreign language, though six courses would barely give me the space to breath.

I dream of making the people around me healthy and safe. Maybe it's my upbringing that caused my fascination in health and phycology, or maybe it's simply an interest of mine. Either way, that's my plan. 

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