5: Whale Piss

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Kiyoomi Sakusa's Point Of View

I finished my Pharmacology class an hour ago. As of now I was heading towards Biology, my last class of the day. I could have always moved my two evening classes a bit later and gave myself more time during the day. Though I preferred to get everything done so I could at least have the evening to myself without having to constantly check the time.

Not to my surprise, I saw the blond sipping on his drink at one of the rows of desks. I walked down the far side, taking a seat on the edge of his row. He glanced at me before sliding everything of his over and plopping in the seat beside me.

"Only like sittin' on the edge?" He purred, giving me a lazy grin.

"Prefer it." I mumbled, taking what I needed out of my bag.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said, he seemed awfully jittery.

"How much caffeine have you dranken today?" I asked, taking recognition that every time I saw him together he was drinking something, which tasted a lot like chai.

"About one mug full on the hour." He said, making my eyes give a look of concern. I took his drink away from him, placing it on the far side of me. He whined, giving me a pleading look with his eyes.

"You're going to get sick and anxious. Don't drink any more." I said, I prayed sleep to find him tonight.

"Nah, I'll be A-okay."

"No." I said, pressing the hand he was trying to grab the drink with to his side. "You won't. What is it, spicy chai?"

"Eh just chai with some random shit mixed in, can I pretty please have it back?" He asked, staring at the travel mug. I pulled out my phone, looking how much caffeine was in chai, noticing it was a considerable amount lower than coffee.

"How many have you drank? Add it up."

"Ugh okay Ma." He said, resting his chin on his palm to think.

"Five? I fill the cup up to like 16 ounces." He said.

I handed the mug back to him reluctantly, which he happily summed out of.

"Three more's your limit, even then that's a lot for 19." I said, knowing he would be the same age as Osamu.

"I'm basically 20, just a month away." He said, coddling his drink. "What are ya anyway, my doctor?"

I took my gloved finger and flicked him hard in the forehead, making him flinch.

"Fine fine so eight cups a day?" He asked, leaning away from me.

"Preferably less if you don't want your heart rate to flatline." I deadpanned.

"Hey, all together Tetsurou and 'Samu drank a whole cup so basically I had like four, not terrible for college, aye?"

"That's like two coffees." I said, making him furrow his eye brows.

"Ya gave me all this shit for drinking two coffee's worth of caffeine??" He said, a glare in his eyes.

"Just making sure the addition of caffeine to your already hyper personality doesn't fry your brain." I said, getting my hand slapped away when I tried flicking him again. 

"I'm drinking six more cups in spite of you."

"Don't." I warned, making him huff and mumble a fine.

"You know for someone as stubborn as you're said to be, you barely put up a fight against me." I commented.

"Yeah well that's because.." His voice faded as he met my eyes before he swallowed, looking back at the notes in front of him.

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