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Dear Emily,

So I'm writing to you half-drunk half sober. So just a heads up. Emily what the bloody heck I'm mad at you.

Like earlier today we were talking to each other on the phone and you were talking about your insecurity yes I understand bit you have to remember you one of the most beautiful kindest bravest people I know and I fucking love you.

Fuck I spilled my drink all over the letter, now all the words are smudge but back to you. You know you can always tell me I know you have insecurities but you have me your friends, beth and we all love you for you.

Just know that you are not struggling alone we're all here for you and I don't think it's a burden because it's not your feelings can never be a burden to anyone.

I'm going to end this letter before I throw up all over it. Just know if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here and do be afraid to cry because that a good thing.

Let your emotions out, my love.


Yours drunk Benny Fucking Watts.

If you're wondering why I'm drunk I went out with Matt to celebrate his birthday.

Hi, if you guys don't like something tell me so I can change it I don't want to offend or disrespect anyone. If you're struggling through something know that you're not alone and if you need to talk to someone you can talk to me. Something along the lines of 'Tell a stranger if your problem they will care and if you don't want to face them anymore you won't see them.' Something like that. Anyway, take care.

Dear Emily // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now