Thirty-One 🌑

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I was awoken the next morning to the sound of my mobile phone going off, blasting the lyrics to Aurora's Running With The Wolves. It was strangely appropriate. It should have dawned on me that Accalia must have changed my phone settings at some point, during the time that we had been hanging out. 

I answered the call and heard her voice on the other side of the line, which comforted me at once. 

"Hey gorgeous. How are you doing?" she asked me. 

"I'm okay. Ready for another fun-filled day at school?" I asked her. I was sure that she would catch on to the sarcasm in my voice. 

"Honestly? No. However, I get to see you. So, I guess it's not so bad," she said. There was a gentle playfulness to her voice and I honestly wanted to listen to it forever. 

I knew that wasn't a possibility, though, for I really did need to get ready for school. 

I hopped out of bed with the phone glued to my ear and began to put on some jeans and a white blouse with some butterflies embroidered on the front of it. 

The butterflies reminded me of the one that I had seen in the forest the other day, which just reminded me of my kiss with Accalia. 

"Sorry- did I call at a bad time? You're being ever-so quiet," she told me. 

"Just getting ready," I explained, a little breathlessly as I had been trying to get ready so quickly. 

"Okay. Good. And how are you feeling?" she asked me. 

"I'm always good so long as I'm talking to you," I said easily. 

Had I always been this flirty? 

I supposed that Accalia just brought that side out of me. 

"I know I might be a little early, but I'm sort of outside your house. Will your dad be alright with you travelling to school with me?" she asked, with genuine curiosity in her voice. 

I didn't see why not, especially after I had explained to him that Accalia was a really good friend of mine. 

Well, she was a good friend and so much more, though even I wasn't entirely sure how I could refer to our relationship just yet. 

"Yes, of course he will be," I replied with a kind tone. 

"I understand if you're still getting ready and want me to go for a bit-" 

"No," I said all-too-quickly. 

She released a gentle laugh. 

"I mean no. You're fine. I'll be out in a second, alright?" I asked her. 

"Alright, Ophelia," she replied and I could hear the smile in her voice. 

Once I knew that I was ready for the day ahead, I made my way downstairs to say a quick "Goodbye," to my dad.

He gave me a nod in response, as he continued to chow down on some buttery toast. 

I walked out of the front door and soon spotted Accalia waiting outside for me, so I wandered over to her with a bright smile upon my face. 

She soon returned the expression and wow. 

My heart skipped a beat. 

I wasn't sure how it was possible for her smile to be so beautiful, but it really was. 

"I wish we could spend the day together- just you and I," she said, as we started to walk towards the bus stop. 

"You and me both," I admitted. 

The two of us quickly sat down at the back of the bus, upon its arrival, and it began to transport us to school. 

As soon as we had walked through the main entrance of the school, Accalia turned to me with a slightly apologetic expression. 

"What's going on?" I inquired. 

"I really need to go and study today. Are you going to be alright with me gone? You know if anything happens to you, I'm only ever a call away," she said. 

"I don't think I'm going to have to fight anyone off today," I said, with a slightly humorous expression. 

Accalia exhaled in relief. 

"Alright. Well, you know where to find me. See you later, Ophelia. Kate," she added, with a quick smile, as Kate came to stand beside me. 

Kate leant against the locker next to me and eyed me with interest. 

I simply stared back at her for a moment, before I voiced the question on my mind. 

"What?" I asked her. 

"Oh, I see what's going on here. Accalia has become more important to you than I am," she said. 

I gave a swift shake of my head in disbelief. 

"It's not like that, I just-" I cut off because Kate's expression became clearly amused. 

"I'm just kidding around with you," she said, nudging me gently. "I really have missed you, Ophelia," she said. "Plus, I thought maybe you didn't love me so much anymore. You've been M.I.A for a while, now," she added. 

"I've been...studying," I said. 

It was a lie and we both knew it, but Kate didn't question me on it. 

"You still want me around, right?" she asked me. 

Her expression was so perfectly innocent, I felt bad for having been so absent. 

"Of course, I do, Kate! You're one of my first friends here- still one of my closest friends, as long as you want to be," I told her, with a happy smile. 

Kate soon mirrored the expression. 

"Well then, I'm glad. I don't want to lose a friend as cool as you are," she said. 

If it came out of anyone else's mouth, I would have assumed they were talking bullshit, but Kate was a sincerely sweet person. It was just how she was. 

"I love you and I want you around," I said, with sincerity in my voice. 

Kate's gaze warmed at the statement, and she gently grabbed my arm and began to lead the two of us to our first class- mathematics. Again. Oh, joy. 

"Want to help me get my math homework done? I'll buy you a cupcake," I offered Kate quietly, as the two of us sat down. 

She turned to me with some amusement reflected in her eyes. 

"Sure," she said. 

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