Fifty-Five 🌑

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For the time being, the kitchen had become a temporary lab, where we were able to look over our resources and the fruits, plants and flowers that we had collected, to discover their functions and uses. 

Zachariah was working alongside us, mostly because he was the most scientifically-minded one out of all of us. That was something that Uziel couldn't beat him at, and I had the sense that Zachariah had some sort of satisfaction in that. 

Luka helped, too, because he was desperate to find a working cure for his son. 

"I've been researching along with Fenn for ages," he said. I knew that he would want to help out in any way that he could, too, given that he was the leader of the tribe. 

"I remember ages ago, when I first met Fenn in the forest, and he said that he was analysing the trees for a project. That wasn't a project, was it?" I asked. 

Luka gave a shake of his head in answer. 

"No. He was looking for parts for the antidote," he explained. 

I could hardly believe that I had known about this for so long, yet I had barely any idea about it. I truly could be clueless at times. I supposed it came with the territory of having my head in the clouds so much of the time. 

Nevertheless, the important thing was that I did know what was going on, now, and I believed that we would be able to make an antidote to the virus and cure Fenn and Naomi. 

"We'll find a cure if we concentrate," Zachariah spoke, then, and I could tell that the statement was mostly directed at me. 

Uziel and Uma soon entered the kitchen and Zachariah's eyes flashed over to them for only a fraction of a moment, before he gazed back down towards the microscope in front of him. 

I had a feeling that Zachariah was the sort of person that had a lot more secrets than he let on, and given that I already knew he was a werewolf, I could only imagine what the others were. 

Pushing that thought out of my mind, I soon got to work on helping the others to organise the ingredients. 

Nevertheless, I couldn't help but notice Zachariah look towards Uziel with subtly resentful eyes, as he continued to work. 

Yara soon entered the kitchen and gently squeezed Luka's shoulder, as she passed by him. 

"Is there anything that I can help with?" she offered. 

"Help cut something," Zachariah said, answering sooner than any of the rest of us could. 

Yara raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Please," he said. 

She smiled, then, and began to help us cut up plant samples, while Zachariah continued to mix liquids together, until they formed a pale green colour. 

"That looks gross," Uma said, on her way to the refrigerator. She stepped back and sighed, when she discovered that it was filled with fruits and vegetables and not a cookie or iced coffee in sight. 

"It tastes even better," Zachariah said, with perfect seriousness, but the corner of his mouth twitched up a little. "Want to try some?" he asked her, holding the beaker towards her, but Uma swiftly dodged out of the way. 

"Zachary," Luka said with annoyance. 

Zachariah settled down then, as he returned to working quietly on the remedy in front of him. 

Yara's eyes glanced around at the group, for a moment and she then continued to add ingredients to the beaker, as instructed by Zachariah. 

"It's changing colour," she said. 

"How very observant," Zachariah replied. 

Yara turned to him and her eyes narrowed a little, but she mostly ignored his rather bitter-sounding comment. 

"We're getting there! How many more ingredients do we have to go, Zachary?" she asked. 

Something seemed to shift in Zachariah's expression for a moment, but it was so subtle it would have gone unnoticed, had I not been looking directly at him. 

"Just the berries," he said, as he seemed to regain his composure- a perfectly stony expression returned to his face. 

Yara nodded and then held the berries out for him. 

He added them to the beaker and began to stir a little more, until the antidote was a rich, dark green colour, like a swamp creature. Delightful. 

"This is better than theatre," Uma commented from the sofa, "When's it going to explode with smoke?" she asked. 

Zachariah ignored her. 

"We'll test it on Fenn, first," he said. 

"Please don't talk about my brother as though he's a scientific experiment," Accalia said. 

Zachariah met her gaze, with a slightly apologetic expression. 

"Maybe I should have become a chemist," he said quietly, "Anyway...let's go and see if he's awake." 

Sooner than we could leave the kitchen, Fenn walked into the room. 

"I'm right here. Drug me up," he said. 

Luka frowned. 

Accalia shook her head slightly. 

"Don't ever say that again," she said. 

Fenn shrugged, "Why?" he asked. 

Nevertheless, he walked over to Zachariah, who poured some of the antidote into a medicine cup for him. 

Fenn then tilted his head back and swallowed the medicine, as though he was doing a shot. He winced a little, but for the most part, he seemed to be alright. 

"How will we know if its working?" Yara asked. 

"We'll check his blood. You can detect the virus in the blood," he said. 

"Alright, Mr. Vampire," Uma said. 

Zachariah's eyebrows creased together, as he looked at her momentarily, but he soon returned his attention to Fenn. 

"How are you feeling, Fenn?" Yara asked him. 

Fenn appeared thoughtful. 

"I think it's too soon to tell, but I'm a little better," he said. 

"We'll give it time," Luka said, as Zachariah's expression became more hopeful. 

At Luka's statement, Zachariah's expression turned neutral again. He shrugged in answer to it. 

Yara walked over to Zachariah then and squeezed his hand gently. 

"Thank you," she said. 

The corner of his mouth twitched up a little, revealing a dimple in his cheek. 

The smile only lasted on his face for a few moments, before she left the room again. 

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