Fifty-Nine 🌑

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"As much as you may think that, I never feel as though I have a clue what to do, when someone is sad," he said. 

"Me neither," I said. 

His eyes widened a little, seemingly surprised that I had told him this. 

"I simply do what I can. I try to be there for people," I explained. 

He nodded in understanding. 

"That's all we can do," he said, seeming to agree. "I feel as though things are going to change now that Accalia's on the route to truly taking over the circle." 

"Lykos circle," I said. 

"So she named it?" he asked. 

"That she did," I replied. 

He smiled, seeming glad that Accalia didn't appear to want to totally shut out the wolf side of her life. 

"I think you being here has been of great benefit to her," he said. 

"I'd like to think so, too," I said, as my eyes glanced towards her sleeping self, for a moment. 

Fenn seemed to think over something. 

"I know that criminals are rare in this town, but with you and Accalia around, I feel as though everyone's going to be much safer," he said. 

"Hey, you're strong too, Fenn," I assured him. 

His eyes shone with some appreciation. 

"I'd like to think so," he said, "But I honestly don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing in a fight, most of the time. When I first became a wolf, I had to do training with Uziel and he would always win." 

"Well, I'd train with you, if you'd like," I said. 

His eyes widened a little in his surprise. 

"Really?" he asked. 

"Sure," I replied with a genuine warmth behind my words. "Christmas is going to be cool this year- I have two families now." 

"And we're happy to have you, Ophelia," Luka said from the doorway, causing the both of us to look at him. "I think I should probably drive you home," he continued, as his eyes watched over a sleeping Accalia, momentarily. 

I stood up from my chair and said a goodbye to Fenn, before I followed Luka out into the cold night air. 

We were entering December, now, so the cold weather could be expected. 

The clouds up above meant that the moon could only just be seen behind them. 

For the first time in a long while, it was a crescent. 

"The moon's changed," I noticed. 

Luka smiled. 

"Then an issue has been resolved," he said. 

I felt my eyes widen a little. Now, that sort of made some sense. 

After a short drive, I returned home. I thanked Luka for the drive and then wandered back inside. 

I walked in to find that my father had fallen asleep watching the TV, so I switched it off for him and threw a blanket over him. 

Then, I made my way upstairs and almost instantly fell asleep, as soon as my head hit the pillow. 


When I woke up, I messaged a quick text to Kate to let her know that I was still alive and that the two of us would have to meet up over the winter holiday, at some point or other. 

Kate: I'll see you soon, hopefully. 

I smiled down at the screen and then made my way out of bed. 

In the hours that followed me getting ready for the day ahead, I wandered downstairs and out the door to find that Accalia was stood there, waiting for me. 

As soon as she caught my gaze, she smiled. 

"Hey," she said brightly. 

"You seem happy," I commented, as the two of us began to walk side by side. 

"I am happy," she said, "I have a new philosophy in life- I need to simply do whatever I can for others." 

I smiled at that. 

"I like that philosophy," I said. 

"You know...after my mother died I think I shut the world out a little. That was the last time I cried, too. I cried for weeks and weeks and then after that, it was as though all my tears were gone," she revealed. 

I reached out to take her hand in mine and squeezed it. 

"Accalia...I'm so sorry, again. I wish I could do something more than say that but- I'm always here for you," I promised. 

"And the most important thing is that we have eachother," she answered, squeezing my hand back. "You know, I don't have any regrets but one." 

"What's that?" I asked her. 

"My attempt. I think, had I known how many people really cared for me and how good life could be, I never would have done it," she said, "I was just a scared girl, in a world where I felt that I could never be understood. My dad was've been amazing. That's why I respect you so much. Sure, I may be the alpha of the tribe, but you're the true queen." 

I felt myself blush. 

"You're just saying that..." I trailed off. 

"I mean every word, Ophelia. You saved my life," she said. 

I shook my head at that and her mouth became a little agape. 

"I disagree. You saved your own life, Accalia. I was simply here along the way," I said. 

She rested her head on my shoulder for a second and breathed steadily in and out, until she spoke again. 

"I'll always look out for you, Ophelia. You're such an important person to me. You mean so much to me," she said, "And I stand up for the people that I care about." 

I felt my heart warm again. 

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all," she said. 

"Who said that?" I asked. 

"I believe that one was Emily Dickinson," she told me, "But it's true. I need to hold onto hope. Always." 

"Things have a way of getting better. I truly do believe that," I said. 

"You're my hope, Ophelia," she said. 

So, I felt myself smile again. 

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