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Paige was a normal 17 year old girl with a simple life. She lived on her grandparents farm and helped take care of the horses and manage the farm. When she wasn't at the farm she was at school learning and planning her future after she graduated in a few months. She was quiet but the few friends she had knew the story of her past and helped her to become more confident. When she was 10 her parents died in a car crash and was almost thrown into the foster care system but luckily her grandmother stepped up and took her in. Her grandfather was a stern man but she believed that he still cared for her under his mean and intimidating demeanor. Paige was beautiful with light blue eyes and long dirty blonde hair. She had a nice tan skin from working in the sun and the perfect body. She was exited for her 18th birthday in a couple of days as she would officially become an adult. She didn't like celebrating her birthday though because its the day her parents died but this year her friends finally convinced her to go out and celebrate. Little did she know that was the night everything would change.

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