Chapter 5

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(y/n)'s pov:

Today is February 14th a day designed to make single people feel bad. but that may not be the case for me. you see I have a plan, today I am going to confess my feelings to Saiki. I got some really nice chocolates for him, I also got friendship chocolates for my other friends. 

I am going to ask Saiki to meet me at cafe mami after school and that's where I will do it. When I walked into class today all the boys were really excited apparently Teruhashi brought chocolates for some lucky boy. 

"hey Kaido I brought you some chocolates!" I hand him the chocolates

"oh um, (l/n) I don't really see you that way..." he started blushing

"no no stupid they are friendship chocolates" I cut him off


next I approach Kokomi and Chiyo and give them each their chocolates

"here I got you both some friendship chocolates!"

'even though you hate me :,)'

"aw thank you!" they reply

I walk back over to my seat and start trying to work up the nerve to ask Saiki.

'I'll just do it after school'

Saiki's pov:

well I have a problem. you see I don't want to stand out, I have said it many many times before but it can never be said enough. I have never really been interested in relationships but this girl, she's different.

I know that she is going to ask me out after school today but I'm not sure what to say. I like her but I don't know if I like her like her. 

~after school~

(y/n)'s pov:

ok here goes, I approach Saiki. 

"hey um Saiki? do you wanna go to cafe mami after school? I'll pay."



"ok gimme a minute to change my shoes and well get going." I say

"I'll meet you there" he replies

"oh ok"

~at the cafe~

I walk in and spot Saiki sitting at our usual booth. I sit down across from him and order us each a coffee jelly. 

"so um I actually brought you something" I say blushing.

I pull out the chocolates and slide them across the table.

"so um, I'm just gonna say it, I like you and I hope that you like me too."

"(l/n) I-"


(a/n IM SORRY FOR THE CLIFF HANGER I HAD TO DO IT I LOVE YALL PLZ DON'T LEAVE. also this story doesn't follow the timeline of the anime but it doesn't really matter lol and sorry again for the short chapter I'll make the next one longer)

~Ψ|I Never Thought I Could Love|Ψ~ {Saiki k. x Reader} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now