Chapter 14

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(y/n)'s pov:

after Imu's big profession of love to Saiki yesterday, Imu completely forgot about him once she got what she wanted, devastating her rival.

the end of Junior year is coming fast it's already spring. today we have to chose our top 3 colleges to apply too. this also comes with the big decision of whether or not we should apply to the same colleges or not or maybe to long distance which wouldn't really be that hard considering Kusuo can teleport. wait what am I thinking? we aren't even technically dating yet.

'want to change that' I hear in my head I whirl around and see Kusuo smirking at me from across the classroom making my face go red. I can tell he's enjoying how much that made me blush.

'so like you want to be my boyfriend!?' I think excitedly 

'can we have this conversation after school?'

I wasn't expecting that answer, that doesn't sound very good. that's like when you propose to someone and they say "can we talk in private?" now I'm nervous.

I write down my three dream colleges. and turn in my paper. everyone in the class is a buzz talking about their dream colleges. I walk over to Aren's desk and look at his paper.

"cambridge huh?" I ask him

"y-yeah I think that I could really prosper there" he says blushing. he still likes me ever since that night he kissed me. I sit on his desk and start talking with him trying to make Saiki jealous.

'why are you talking to him?'

'no reason'

"boo" he says going so close behind me I can feel his breathe on the back of my neck and it sent chills down my spine. 

"what are you guys talking about?" he says putting an arm around me.

"oh uh just our dream colleges" Aren replies

'I don't think I've ever seen Saiki initiate a conversation before. and he's holding  (y/n) all possessive like. are those two a thing?'

"I should probably go turn my paper in." he says nervously and then walks off. 

"you are totally jealous"

"no Im not" he says with a straight face and goes back to his seat.

~after school~

I nervously chance into my normal shoes and go to cafe mami to meet up with Saiki to have our big conversation. I get there and already see Saiki waiting for me. he probably teleported. before I can sit down he stands up and tells me to follow him to the bathroom (a/n I know what your thinking stop it you silly goose 😏)

my mind immediately goes to the gutter I'm way to dirty minded. once in the bathroom he pulls me into and stall and puts a hand on my shoulder. then we are suddenly on a cliffside in what looks like Okinawa.

 then we are suddenly on a cliffside in what looks like Okinawa

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(a/n this is the second to last chapter so sorry for the cliffhanger (get it 😏) but I wanna build the drama. anyways while your waiting for me to post the last chapter you should take this time to vote. or like comment? I want to hear your feedback about the story be as critical as you want It doesn't hurt me I just wanna know if this doesn't totally suck or not. anyways I will be posting the last chapter an hour from posting this one this is your chance please go vote!!!)

~Ψ|I Never Thought I Could Love|Ψ~ {Saiki k. x Reader} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now