Chapter 15: C deleted chapter

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(y/n) POV:

It's been a few weeks since I have transfered here to PK Academy. I have made a few friends but they are a little weird to say the least.

Today we are going to start a school project where we have to write a report about a chosen country. each person in the class has to chose which place they would like to research and group up accordingly. I am not looking forward to this.

I have had many bad experiences with group projects in the past. I somehow always end up doing all the work while my peers just leech off my work.

omniscient POV:

little did (y/n) know a certain pink-haired psychic would make sure they got grouped together so that he could further his study on her.

Saiki's POV:

I can hear (l/n)'s stressed out thoughts over the group projects so I decided to rig it so that we would be grouped together. I'll just read her mind and choose whichever country she chooses.

(y/n): hmm I guess I'll pick Canada

Canada it is then. I write Canada on my sheet of paper and turn it in to the teacher.

"alright class we have all the groups set please find your partners and make a plan to study." the teacher announces

I look down at my sheet and read who else is in my group.

damnit I was too busy with (l/n)'s thoughts that I forgot to avoid Teruhashi.

our group is me (l/n) and Teruhashi. god loves this girl way too much.

(y/n)'s POV:

I look down at my sheet to see who else is in my group.

Teruhashi k.

Saiki k.

great I'm with that weird guy. at least I have Teruhashi she and I are pretty friendly and she actually talks.

Saiki: how did I get labled as the weird guy? I am going to need to fix that.

I get up to find my partners and I see Teruhashi is already at Saiki's desk so I walk over and join them. I pull up a chair and sit down at Saiki's desk and we begin our brainstorming session.

20 minutes later:

we finally decided on how to execute our project throughout that whole conversation pinkie said maybe 3 words.

the last thing we have to figure out is who's house to study at. Teruhashi volunteers her house but Saiki seemed uncomfortable with that so I suggested my house.

wait why do I care if this weirdo is uncomfortable?

we all agreed and planned to research at my house after school.

Lunch Time:

over these past few weeks me and the blue haired boy Kaido have become pretty close friends. during lunch time I usually stand in front of Saiki's desk because thats where all my friends seem to flock around.

"do you sense a disturbance Saiki?" Kaido says dramatically

Saiki just stares blankly at him. I don't understand half of what Kaido says so I just look at it awkwardly. 

~Ψ|I Never Thought I Could Love|Ψ~ {Saiki k. x Reader} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now