Chapter 8

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(y/n)'s pov:

Today I decided to go shopping in a neighboring town it's good to get out sometime and not always having a group of loud obnoxious people with you, plus I could use some new clothes.

I exit a Tatami matt store and hear my stomach rumble, I'm starving. I begin to walk down the street then immediately run into a large crowd.

"oh wow" I hear about 40 people say. 

I manage to push my way to the middle of the crowd were I see a bright light, once my eyes adjust I see Kokomi and is that-?

"Saiki? are you on a date with Kokomi?" I say with a pain in my chest

"ye-" Kokomi starts saying but is then cut off by Saiki

"no we are not" Saiki says

"would you like to join us?" he offers me

"I'm sure (y/n) is busy right (y/n)?"

'cmon take the hint he's mine bitch'

"actually no I've got some free time!"

'I don't want Saiki to be alone with Kokomi the prettiest girl in the world, plus she can be really annoying I wouldn't put him through that alone'

"we were just trying to find a place to eat and get some sweets" Kokomi says sweetly

a bunch of the simps from the crowd start telling her about different cafes nearby and offering to pay for us and carry her there and stuff and we choose one to go to.

we walk in and sit down at a table, him and Kokomi on one side and me alone on the other. a bunch of the guys from earlier are crowded around the table like waiters but theres way too many of them.

"should we order more cake?" I ask Saiki since he already finished his

his eyes gleam and I order him another cake. all the simps started lining up to get a hand shake from Kokomi.

'this is weird'

I grow bored of whatching Kokomi shake the hands of those creeps and look outside. there a see a man with blue hair and some other guy with him looking in through the window. I immediatly recognized the guy.

I leane over to Saiki and say "is that Toro Magami?"

"yeah" he replies looking annoyed.

"we should probably go" he says

a waiter comes by the table and tells us our total.

"your total is 6,850 yen"

"how much?" I say dumb founded, I don't think I brought enough money.

"oh I'll be paying." Kokomi says

"oh then its 200 yen" the waiter says blushing

"oh and I have some coupons!"

"then it's 20 yen!" the waiter replies

'I wish I were as pretty as Teruhashi'

we leave the cafe and Kokomi drags us to some bowling place. but she seems more interested in the Karaoke. I personally would rather bowl I am not the best singer plus I am pretty good at bowling so I could show off in front of Saiki. >:)

we go in and get a lane and some shoes. it's Saiki's turn first, I'm not sure what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. he is an absolute god at bowling his perfect score put my spare to a shame. 

after Saiki destroyed me and Kokomi at bowling he looked disturbed. he then grabbed both me and Kokomi's hands and rushed over to a photo booth.

'what the hell why did he just grab my hand like that? and why is my heart beating so face and my face so hot.'

I look over to Kokomi and see her face is as red as mine, it's at this moment that I realize it, Kokomi has a crush on Saiki.

she pulls herself together and turns to Saiki totally ignoring the fact that I'm there too and says "we gonna take a pic" in a weird voice.

we all three sit down and Saiki puts an arm around me but not Kokomi and my face turns beat red. 

'HA take that Kokomi he put his arm around me and not you'

'WHAT WHY IS HIS ARM AROUND (Y/N)? could it be that just the thought of touching me the perfect pretty girl would be too much for him? yeah that's probably it' Kokomi reassures herself.

(after the photo booth they take the train back home, Teruhashi being a little less interested in Saiki and (y/n) liking him much more.)


(a/n don't forget to vote! also I have a really good Idea for a Kuboyaso fanfic and I already drew fanart for my own fanfic which doesn't even exhist yet but i promise I'll finish this book first.)

(this is the fanart

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(this is the fanart. her name is Kuriko Saiki she's Saiki's twin sister. I want to give her a power but one that is weak but can be used discreatly but not telepathy because I don't want her to be able to read minds. also the lil antenna on her head was given to her by Kusuke so that Saiki can't read her mind. her and Kusuke share a hatred for Saiki because those two were always second best. but Kurikos hatred is a little less serious than Kusuke's. ok enough of me advertising for a book that doesn't exist yet I let y'all go now byeeee chapter 9 will be posted later tonight)

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