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After the whole meeting each other phil said bye to Wilbur and went back to what he was doing. Puffy grabbed some bags gave them to drista and gave a box to dream as well as picking a box up herself. Wilbur then showed them the way to the room. After a while all of dreams and dristas stuff was in the room next the pile of Wilburs things. Then puffy left.

"So have you picked a room yet...." dream asked trying to remember Wilburs name.

"Wilbur and no not yet. So we can pick them now." Wil said with a welcoming smile. Drista also smiled which could be seen unlike dreams who was also smiling but it wasn't noticeable.

~6 hours later~

They had all picked their rooms and had decorated them leaving a few things in boxes in the main room.

"We should put these up in here" drista said looking at the thing that were left.

There was photos, a few posters, candle, blankets and a lot of pillows from all three of them. 

"I like that idea drista, what about you dream" Wilbur said dream gave a nod accidentally knocking his hood off showing his hair and the few freckles that weren't covered by the mask.

Another hour passed and they had finished everything.

(main room)

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(main room)

(main room)

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(dreams room)

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(dreams room)

(dristas room)

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(dristas room)

(wilburs room)

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(wilburs room)

"So we are roommate why not get to now each other" Wilbur said sitting down.

"sure" dream said also sitting down drista sat next to dreams playing on her phone.

"Hi I'm Wilbur the son of the principle. I am a siren hybrid. I like music and swimming. I also i have never been to a human city as i grew up in this safe haven." Wilbur said looking at the ground.  Dream looked at Wilbur in disbelief.

"Hi I'm drista. The daughter of puffy and i was originally just a goat hybrid but stuff happened. I like gaming, listening to music and annoying dream and tubbo." she said looking down as she did.

"I heard that you had a ruff time" Wilbur said with a low head.

"Hey I'm dream. Son of puffy's. I know what i am but I'm not gonna say and can control it so i show only one hybrid from. I like my family, music, drawing and cooking." dream said a bit on edge. "And this is our very first time in a safe haven" he finished.

"You have never been to a safe have wow. I guess you have had it ruff." Wilbur said in a apologetic tone. 

"Also why do you wear a mask dream" he asked.

"To hide somethings from the past" he said quietly. As he pulled his knees up to his chest.

'cute' Wilbur thought.

Wilbur looked at the two siblings and noticed that dream had two horns on his head same with drista.

"So...... This is awkward" Wilbur laughed.

"oh wait you guys need a tour of this place before net week" Wilbur said face palming. The two blond looked at each other and laughed a bit at the action.

Wilbur didn't know what but seeing dream laugh and show a sign of being comfortable made him happy. Wilbur knew dream was nervous about being here as he learnt to read people as living with technoblade means you have to learn how to read peoples voices or body language to understand what they were going through. 

"Wait do you know how to cook" drista asked Wil. He just shook his head signaling No.

"luckily one of us does" she then said pointing at the daydreaming dream.

"Hey dream we are getting a tour of the place come one" drista then said poking her brother making him jump.

"Ok" he said standing up and pulling up his hood. " lets go"

All three left there room, Wilbur locking the door when they were all out. Then they headed down the spiral stairs hitting the lower floor were they bumped into techno and a tall teen with half his skin black with purple spots and half white with red spots and a girl with pink hair and fish like appearances.

"Hey techno, are these your roommates." Wilbur said with a wave. Dream noticed the tall boy and was surprised at the way he looked.

"Yeah this is ranboo or memory boy and Niki." He said pointing at each of them who just waved.

"Nice to meet you. If techno gives you any trouble just come get me" Wilbur said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah these are my roommates. This is drista ad dream." He continued the two blond siblings  just gave small waves. Dream was to lost in thought and drista was put off by the size of techno as he was massive. He stood a good foot above Wilbur.  The two groups joined together and continued down until they met Tommy and Tubbo with a teen dressed in mainly purple.

"Tubbo" Drista yelled giving him a hug.

"Are you nicely settled in." he said with a warm smile.

"Yeah Wilbur is really nice and funny" she said Which made Wilbur smile.  dream still wasn't paying attention to the group. Soon enough they were being toured around the campus and the other areas.

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