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The attack was going well only a few guards had seen the groups and well they didn't survive long enough to call for help. each group now was slowly doing the second part of the plan, either destroying or helping.

Dreams group on the other hand was surrounded by guards. they weren't struggling at all, phil was killing hunters left and right with ease, techno was giving no mercy and ranboo had headed off the complete their mission since dream said he was the best to do it currently. Techno was covered in blood phil had feathers growing down his face and arms showing he wasn't going down easily and dreams eyes were completely black his hand and feet were also black and his horns were slowly growing bigger along with his tale and wings that he had hidden.

"Well, well, well subject 002. your back." The voice came from a speaker every single hunter froze when hearing this.

"You asshole ill kill you and burn this place to the ground with everyone in it. So come and face me like the monster you are" dream spat. confusion hit the guards and they all turned to face the know laughing green eyed teen.

"Oh you were never told your boss is like me a hybrid an enderling to be specific. He's been using you all. all because he wants power he cant have." dream said between manic laughs.

Just then a man with pure white hair appeared in front of dream.

"002 how did  you know" the white haired man said. dream continued to laugh evilly.

"ever met a siren 'doc' they can easily tell whose human or hybrid plus your not hiding it very well. so care to dance" dream said his voice low and demonic sounding. (dreamXD demonic) His horns were now much larger and his appearance was completely different his hair was loose and wild, his eyes black, like the void. his wings where the same size as kristins and a tail dangled from his lower back, sharp canniness poked out from his mouth and claws grew from his hands.

"Oh your getting serious." the scientist said chuckling.

"I;m not even close to full power but you'd know that wouldn't you" dream whispered before practically vanishing. While the fight was happening phil received the newest transition from karl.

"pull out everyone is out and safe, we are waiting on you so sapnap can light it up"

Phil sent a look to techno and the blood god ran to hies father an grabbing his arms so they could get out. leaving dream since they couldn't help.

"wilbur he needs your help or he'll loose control" was the first thing phil said after landing on the ground.

"take me" was all he said and phil grab him and flew off.  the sight of what dream had done would give even the devil nightmares. Every single guard was ripped to pieces their blood dripping from the hands of the one and only dream who had no fresh scratches on him. 

The fight wasn't down so for safety they landed on the roof of the closest building. Dream was know facing of with the scientist if you could call it a fight. The painful scream rang out through the ears for everyone. the white haired man (i need a name for him........... how about Benedict) had lost his leg. the limb was in the air cleanly cut off.

"you've become the beast. you've become the monster i made you" Benedict said laughing as he pulled out a gun firing it at dream hitting his shoulder.

"I think it's time you die" was all dream said and ranboo popped up behind him stabbing him in the back. literally. Benedict collapsed to the floor and the enderman hybrid (ranboo) disappeared. wilbur jumped from the roof landing perfectly and instantly running to dream.

"I'm...... not.........dead.............not...............yet". A loud bang was all that was heard after that. the siren fell to the ground.



Cliff hanger,

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