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"Why do they want you three" phil said. dream tightened the grip on his legs.

"They was ranboo because he was a weak subject and didn't fight like the others, they want drista to use her against me and they want my blood." dream said

"Whats so special about your blood" bad asked.

"It's whats in it. they want. I have the very first experiments DNA and they either want it back or they want me do they can continue to inject different DNA."

"....." everyone was quiet.

"001 thats all i found out abut the person who DNA was given to me and from what i heard i was the only one other then them to have survived with it. What they said and i quote ' we need 098 that brat is needed, 029 and that damned beast 002.' so either we leave or e do something about it" dream said hugging wilbur back.

"Also the main scientist the one that was there isn't human he's a hybrid i saw the hand burly but it was black with purple cracks like ranboo." wilbur said.

"so we have three options in front of us. number one we leave and warn this family, number two we fight or we give them who they wa-" phil  was cut of by schlatt smashing his bottle.

"hell no" he said

"i wasn't finished. let them have dream only dream, with a tracker one him then we take down the whole lab. frm the inside out. " phil replied.

"better idea. dream do you remember where the lab is." techno said. dream gave a small nod.

"then how about we head back to the school gather the strongest people there and we head to it at night sneak in and then destroy it." he said everyone like the idea more then phils.

"Well we have strong people here i mean tommy and phil can fly Kristin is the god of death, bad and skeppy are who of the strongest hybrids out there. sapnap and his fire and strength, karl with his amazing quick thinking and teleportation, techno and his godly strength that get better when blood s near him. Quackity and team work skills. tubbo and his resilience and strength same with drista, wilbur with his singing and sweet talking. Fundy with his night vision and sneakiness, gorges mushrooms and his father. eret  his strength ranboo and his enderman thing.ect we have more then enough strength to do this sooner them later." dream said. they minds we're made they tell the others about this.

"EVERYONE GATHER ROUND" phil yelled. soon everyone there was with them.

"Theirs hunters looking for a few of you and we have a plan t get rid of them once and for all." phil announced.

"we have a plan. you all have your weapons. eret or gorge ca your father we'll need him. We strike at night following fundys vision since we cant use lights. tommy, phil, Kristin and quackity will go over the fence landing on the roof. karl and puffy will stay hidden giving use directions and cover after hacking int the cameras. drista, tubbo, niki and sapnap will infiltrate through the east, there should be a crack in the get with enough force an power it should cave in giving you access you'll have around 5 minutes to get in and hidden. George, Fundy,eret and herobrain will do the same at the back but this time it'll go straight into the building and there's no crack, bad, skeppy, wilbur will go from the west. lastly techno., ranboo and i will go through the front after the other are in since the guards would have gone to see the fuss . once we're in if memory serves me right there should be 5 main building the biggest is we herobrains group will be that we're thee fight ring is, the second biggest if the one dristas group will have thats the humans office that needs to be burnt to the ground. Next is the lab bads group has that one. then we have the cell building which my group pus phils will attack since its most guarded." dream said.

"we head out tomorrow back to the old town." puffy said. That said everyone split off into their groups to talk about formations. techno, ranboo an dream all headed to the woods. Each going practicing different things.

Night was soon upon them and most we're in bed sleeping all minus you guessed it dream and wilbur.

"why did you split us up with groups." wilbur asked kinda sad.

"if I'm doing this I'm going to be putting half of my true strength in which i easily loose control of i don't want to hurt you. Techno can protect himself and ranboo will be fine." dream said snuggling into wils chest. soon the two where happily sleeping.

Dawn came quicker then most thought bags were packed and everyone was in cars again heading to were a battle would be held. phil had contacted other strong people and gods making sure that we would have back up. The car ride  was long and boring. no one really talked in the cars all worried about what would happen. but eventually they made it to the city and to the woods.

Night was yet again falling and everyone was scared.

"calm down everyone" nikis gentle voice said. Niki was the type of woman that could scared anyone. even techno was scared of her when she was serious. She is strong and even better with herbs. Soon the familiar sight og herobrain was with the group and they went over the plan once more.

"go time" techno said as the moon peaked out over the clouds.

"can everyone hear us" puffy and karls voices came through an ear piece they had picked up earlier that day.

"3........2........1..............go" karl said three loud bangs went off followed by sirens an screams. dream looked at his two team mates and they ran right through the metal gates. The groups where immediately running towards their goals, while dreams groups had ended up fighting a few guards philzas group split up like they had plan each going somewhere, phil heading to dreams side.

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