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The morning started like every other. Dadza and momza making breakfast while Tommy hogged the bathroom and techno gathered the last of his things, as today was the day that the school for all ages in this safe haven opend it's doors again, meaning that even though me and my two brothers are the sons of the principle we were still forced to live in the dorms and deal with roommates.

I stretch and yawned before getting dressed in my yellow turtle neck sweater, light blue jeans and red beanie and slowly marking my way down the stairs.

"Mornin' wil" dadza said with a small wave which was returned. Soon Tommy and techno also made their appearances and sat down waiting for the waffles to be served. They were served and eaten with in 10 minutes.

We were all  kicked out the house towards the car that had all our things in.

The drive to the campus was loud and annoying But didn't last long thankfully. As we luckily lived in the safe haven, I have lived here all my life so i don't really know what it's like living with the humans but apparently it's not that bad as long as you can hide our abilities.

Soon the campus was in sight and looked as massive and grand like every year.

We drove through the gates and already people were being dropped off or having tours of the school

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We drove through the gates and already people were being dropped off or having tours of the school.

"Ok before we head off here are the rooms and your roommates. Wilbur be careful with yours." dadza said.

"Why"i asked not wanting it to sound rude but it did.

"Remember Puffy" he said. I nodded I had met puffy when she came here a fw years ago hopping for help.

"Well she found her two children a month ago and they are apparently very shaken still. So you are roommate with one a years younger then you and his younger sister as she suffers from nightmare that only he seems to be able to calm her down from." He said in a low voice which sent chills down my spine.

"Ok" i said grabbing the paper and getting out the car. I watched as dadza walked off to do the yearly welcoming for everyone before grabbing my bags from the back of the car and throwing tommys and techno theirs and headed to my  new room.

The room was one of the only ones with Three separate bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room and a storage room. Me Techno and Tommy are usually in these rooms so i was used to the space we had. I put my bags down on the floor and looked down at the paper i was given.

ROOM 5379-

Wilbur soot mincraft

dream wastaken

drista wastaken


Get comfy this is your room until you graduate from this school.

- philza mincraft

"Strange" i said to myself. Normally you were made to leave the campuses every years. I shrugged it off as i thought back to what dadza had told me.

'maybe it will be too much for them to have a new roommate every year,' i thought. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket so i pulled it out to see a message from dadza.


Meet me down by the car your roommates are here.

I turned my phone off pushed my stuff to the side and headed down to the car. I arrived and saw puffy and schlatt next to a black car about the same size as ours and a grey van. I walked up to dadza which caused him to smile,

"Hey Wil like the room" He said.

"Yeah but why am i there until i graduate." i asked. He reacted with whispering in my ear,

"Because more hunter are out so those who can't live in a safe haven are in danger so it is happening with ever place no changing rooms or roommates until you graduate, unless there is a problem." he whispered. I swear my heart stopped. More hunters. I gave a nod in response.

"Hey puffy long time no see" i said once dadza moved to face the other two adults.

"Yes, You've grown so much" she said with a smile. I noticed the dirty blond girl talking to a short brunette boy behind her. They seemed to be bickering over something but what i don't know.

The girl looked younger then even Tommy which means she is either 14 or 15. She had a green hoodie and white jeans with her hair up in two messy twin buns. The brown haired boy was a few inches taller then her but looked around Tommy age so 16 or 17. He was wearing a black and yellow stripped jumper with black dungarees he also had a flower crown that i am guessing was used to hide something.

"Schlatt. Is dream still in the van," puffy said looking at her brother how i haven't met but heard of.

"Yeah he was listening to his music while drawing so i left him to it." he said with a shrug. 

"go get him"she said pointing at the grey van.

"Kids come here please" she then yelled a bit. Then the two kids walked over one looking nervous the other had a bog smile.

"This is drista my youngest child. The other is tubbo my nephew. Kids meet philza the principle of the school." she said Tubbo waved and smiled while drista just nodded.

"got him" schlatts voice said. I turned to see him dragging a nervous looking teen around my age.

"Thats dream my oldest child" puffy said.

Once dream stood up properly i noticed he was smaller then me by a few inches and had the same green hoodie as drista but bigger black skinny jeans, brown boots and a white mask with a smile on. The only part of his face i could see were his eyes. His emerald green bright eyes.

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