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Dreams POV

We finished the tour and all headed back to the rooms I learned a lot about the different people. Tommy, Techno and Wilbur are adopted siblings, Niki is German and also spent most her life in a human city, Ranboo is half enderman and can't remember what his other half is as he has short term memory loss. I didn't learn much about the kid in purple other then his isn't new here and is usually in the same room and Tommy.

"So you guys are hungry and won't stop pestering me until i make some food for you." I sighed. Drista nodded And Wilbur just stood there looking confused.  Wilbur in all honesty is a nice guy. He is funny come out with the most random stuff and he is also kinda hot. His string British accent makes him even better. 

"What do you want since we only have pizza, cereal and bread" I said, "So we will need to get food"

"I'll just have some cereal and milk" the British voice said. I gladly passed him the cereal and milk i followed with three bowls and dragged my sister towards the table.

Once we ate, Which was very awkward as I wasn't able to wear my mask which meant that all my scars were on show.  Thankfully he didn't question. We washed the dishes and put everything away we headed towards the living room sat down and turned the T.V on.

I was forced to sit next to Wilbur  since my evil sister took the entire other sofa to herself.

We just sat and watch a movie that wasn't awkward It was nice.

By the time it was finished It was very late and drista was already asleep on the sofa.

"Night dream" Wilbur said before turning and heading to his room.

"Night" I said back not as loud as i could but loud enough for him to hear. I then turned picked my sister up and took her to her room tucked her in and headed to my own room.


I didn't sleep well last night. Thankfully drista didn't have any nightmares so that was a good thing, but it didn't stop me from having one. So i ended up reading most the night.

After gaining enough motivation i stood up and walked out of my room to see Drista and Wilbur talking.  I didn't surprise me drista was more social then me and had more confidence to be able to talk to someone as long as she new them a bit.

"Morning dream" The Brit said. All three of us were still in our PJ's as it was early maybe 7 or 8 i didn't check.

"Morning" I replied with a yawn. I didn't bother wearing my mask as he saw the scars last night so my face was on show.

"So we have shopping to do today and that's all i think." Wilbur said.

"Also drista careful you tail is out again" i said forgetting that we were in a safe zone.

"No need there's a shop in the safe area so you can keep your forms on show." Wilbur laughed. With that she just let the goat form pop out her ears grew and so did her horns.

"It's nice not to have to hide this, same i don't know how to get the other form out" She complained.

"You'll earn eventually." I said. I then let my Goat form fully out forgetting That if i did then i would gain small wings that i couldn't keep hidden.

"wow. You have wings" Wil asked surprised.

"Y- Yeah i do. It's something to do with....... well stuff" I said not looking him in the eyes.

"Anyway we need to get dressed" the silence was broken by my sister who knows i hate talking about the other form i was forced to have.

I turned back to my room and got dress with the same type of outfit as yesterday but different shoes and jeans. I grabbed a fresh black mask and headed back to wait for the other two while i put my hair in a messy bun like yesterday.  Wilbur was the next to walk out. He had a long brown coat with a white shirt and black jeans with the same red beanie. Then lastly drista walked out in the green hoodie and skirt with black boots and very messy hair.

"come here" I said. she walked up to me and turned around so i could sort out her hair, which i platted.

"Ok we're good to go" Wilbur said before unlocking the door and we left down towards the shop.  The walk was quiet but nice. It was a warm day as the sun was up and shinning but the breeze had a cold touch to it. There wasn't many people out only about 20  that i have seen so far. I knew Tubbo was probably still asleep as he stays up late.

We walked another 10 minutes until we hit the shop and there was a familiar car outside of it.

" Ok get what you want but don't go crazy," I said to drista who nodded and went in.

"You have a good relationship with your sister don't you" Wil said.

"Yeah i do. When you've been through what we have and only had one family member to talk to you get a stronger relationship. I always protect her even if i end up coming out with injuries. I don't want to loose her" I said cringing at what i said.

"Whats it like living with humans" He asked.

"I am not the best person to ask. I was only living with humans until i was around 8 then stuff happened and i was trapped in a cell for around 10 years and then i was pushed back into living with humans for a month and now i am here." I said. Picking up a loaf of bread and putting it in the basket. 

"Wow sorry you had to go through all of that" He said.

"It haunts me to this day everything they did and were planning on doing freaks me out." I said. I don't know why but i feel like I'm safe to tell him about this and whats on my mind dies it have something to do with him being a siren.

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