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No ones POV

"Dream wake up." A British voice yelled waking the messy haired blond. It's been about 2 weeks since the news about the hunters got to dream and dristas ears. The two where always on edge now.


"I'm awake clam your ass down Wilbur." Dream  said grumpily walking out of his bedroom.

"Have either of you to seen any of my masks. I don't want to go out with out one." He said glaring at the younger blond.

Dream always wore the mask outside as he thought the amount of scars he had on his face would scare people, He had gotten used to not wearing one around the shared room as wilbur new about the scars but it didn't seem to faze him.

"Check your desk, I think you put one in there last night." drista yelled. Dream headed back to his room finding a green mask i his desk. He stuffed it into his pocket and left his room joining the two other in the kitchen.

They all ate breakfast and left the shared room heading down the tower and towards the meet up area where they would join the rest of their friends. They were the first to get there soon followed by Tommy and tubbo. Drista annoyed Tommy like normal as they had become good friends but when asked Tommy wouldn't say she was a friend. Tubbo just talked to Wilbur and dream while they waited for techno and his group to arrive. 

The next three to show up were sapnap, Karl and quackity, they just thew themselves into the group and somehow gained friendships with them all. Dream and sapnap being close as they had most classes together. Finally the last dew showed up, them being George, Niki, techno, Fundy and ranboo, who teleported behind tubbo scaring him.  With them all there they grouped off into the groups they had class with and went to class.

"So what the chance me and dream are paired together again," Techno said as they headed towards the field with all their new equipment that they had made in a different class.

"High" sapnap, quackity, Fundy and Karl said together.  "I mean you guys are the strongest in the class despite dreams height" Sapnap added. Dream turned giving the blaze hybrid a death glare but sapnap wasn't wrong dream was smaller then a lot of people in the class. Techno standing a good few inches above him. Dream was only taller then sapnap quackity and Karl. Fundy was about an inch taller then him. 

"GATHER ROUND EVERYONE" the teacher yelled the class all gathered around one of the many fighting rings that had a stream of water around them.

"I have some bad news that will be being told to everyone today, Hunters have been trying to get into the safe haven." He said (teacher) Whispers broke through the class. Dream just stood there silent along with one other student. Karl.

"IS THIS A JOKE" one of the loudest and so called richest students yelled.

"IT'S NOT A FUNNY ONE" he continued.

"It's no joke they have been seen around the area for a few weeks now but if the teachers are telling us now then it's getting worse." dream said loud enough for all to hear.

"AND HOW DO YOU KNOW SMILEY" the teen said pushing through the class towards dream.

"Because philza told me himself. Since those people made my life as a child a living hell,  now back off." dream said. silence filled the air as one of the most secretive people in the class had just said that he had a past with hunters.

"anyway today you will be fighting each other like usual but you'll be fighting in groups."the teacher said before going through everyone and putting them in teams of three and pairing them up. Dream was in a team with techno and Karl and were put up against Sapnap, quackity and Fundy. So dream was fine with the teams. 

"You ready" Karl said to the two taller teen.

"Lets go beat there asses." Techno yelled starting the fight.

Just before the class finished the teacher stopped everyone so they could either go shower and clean up or they could sit and relax. Most the class just sat down. Dream and that group did ;eave though. Dream didn't plan on having a shower he planned on treating the injuries he had gotten and do the same for his friends.

"Wow your good at fighting probably better then the teach." Sapnap said as dream cleaned the small cut he had on his cheek.

"i wouldn't go that far. thanks though." Dream said with a laugh.

"You have some dirt in your hair. GO HAVE A SHOWER" Quackity said pushing dream closer to the showers.

"I will when class is over." Dream said turning back to finish helping the blaze. Quackity walked away to talk to the others.

"Do you ever wonder why he never showers here and always does it back in his room." He said. Techno, Karl and Fundy all nod in agreement.

"Maybe he's trans like Fundy but hasn't had the surgeries yet" Karl said Techno shook his head.

"Doubt it. Maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to." Techno said all f them just gave yes's or fair points and went back to changing.

~with dream~

"Your mask is falling a bit" Sapnap said. dream pulled it back up in a bit of a panic.

"Thanks. Any more injuries or have i got them all" He said standing up and stretching his back.

"Nah i think you got them all. question why do you wear the mask." Sapnap asked. looking at dream who just looked at the floor.

"Personal reasons" Was all dream said. before leaving the room and heading to go wash his own hair in his room.

"hmm.. i should try i different hair style. " He said to him self as he dried his hair.

He platted to small braids into his hair and tied them together leaving half his hair down.

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