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DREAM'S POV (short)

I wake up in a room that smelled like the sea side. I wasn't panicked i knew where i was. The yellow and blue color scheme help give it away as well.  I felt an arm on over my waist and i felt content something i haven't felt in years. I smiled and turned to face the owner of the arm being met with wilburs sleeping face. I snuggled closer and fell back to sleep.


Dream and wilbur where still sleeping but unknown to them a small group of drista tubbo, ranboo and Tommy where hiding behind the door smiling and laughing.  They were happy Tommy was happy because wilbur had lost his e girlfriend, sally to hunters, tubbo and drista where happy as this was the most relaxed they had seen dream scene they escaped. Ranboo was just happy.

"We need pictures" Tubbo said opening the door and slipping his phone out of his pocket. He took about 5 photos and left sending them to his dad and aunt.

~an hour later~

Wilbur had finally woken up and was met by two small and nicely filed down goat horns that belong to smaller dream.  He smiled gave dream a hug accidentally walking him.

"morning dreamy sorry for waking you" he said with an apologetic smile.

"It's ok." A sleepy dream replied in an adorable voice.

"DRISTA GIVE ME MY PHONE" tubbo voice shouted from the other room. the two older males groaned before standing and sluggishly making their way to the other room. They walked in and saw drista holding tubbos phone, hiding on top of the fridge, Tommy stopping tubbo ruining head first into the fridge and ranboo o the floor laughing do hard he was struggling to breathe. 

"LET ME GO TOMMY"Tubbo yelled trying to get the taller blonds grip.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GONG ON HERE" wilbur shouted making dream cover his ears.

"Well tubbo took pictures of you two to send to puffy which he did but then drista stole his phone and now tubbo is trying to kill drista." Tommy explained. Dream sighed and walked up behind tubbo scaring the shorter one and smiled. 

"Did you kill him"Ranboo said not sure how to explain it,

"When a goat is scared they usually faint or collapse for a bit, it annoyingly works on goat hybrids swell, so no i didn't kill him" dream explained. Wilbur laughed at this new information and was planning on using this against dream in the future. (wilbur being evil)

After getting drista to hand over tubbos phone he gave it t ranboo and went to get some food.

"So what chaos where you four planning on causing." wilbur asked taking a sip of his freshly made coffee.

"Well we weren't planning on doing anything to bad, maybe just go practice for the up coming championship and thought maybe we could get big dream and big T to come help and maybe drag you as well" Tommy said with a mischievous smile.

"i guess you will be joining considering you and dream you know.....yeah" a very groggy tubbo said as he had just woke up from fainting. Dream instantly blushed and so did wilbur knowing what tubbo was implying.

"I will join you as i haven't seen dream fight and i want to see it"wilbur said smiling innocently. Dream smiled back which everyone saw as he hadn't put his mask on since most of the group had seen his face minus poor Tommy who didn't see his face.

"WOAH DREAM YOUR FACE IS SO SCARED" Tommy yelled finally seeing the emerald eyed male who just gave him a death glare which shut him up immediately. Dream finished his  coffee and headed to his room grabbing a towel and going having a quick shower even if he knew he would need one later he didn't really care.

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