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After dream left ranboo took his turn filling in his part of the story. After ranboo finished i stayed to comfort Tommy but when he left i bid my good night and headed to my room.

When i got in i only heard drista snoring away in her room. No sign of dream.

"DREAM" I yelled no response. I wasn't panicked instead i thought he was in his quiet place where ever that may be. Just then i heard the being opened and mom walk in with dream and surprisingly eret.

"Go get change dear i need a talk with wilbur." Mom said as dream sleepily walked past me to his room.

"Dream is healing and it's thanks to you so whatever your doing continue" mom said, Eret just smiled.

"Whatever your doing your helping him fix his emotional state and his mental state" eret said.

"How do you know" i asked eret.

"When he gets to stressed or overwhelmed he goes to the roof and one night i went up there and met saw him crying so i comforted him." he said before waving and leaving.

"But please make sure he heals 100%" mom said before following eret. After she left i closed and locked the door before deciding to go check on the small goat. I headed to his room knocked and immediately got an answer.

"You can come in wil" dream said, I walked in to see him lying on his bed on his phone.

"Come on put this down" I said stealing his phone and switching it off.

"hey i was reading" he complained with a bored look. I climbed on the bed next to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Clingy to night i see" He muttered but snuggled into the hug.

"Your always warm tell me your secrets" i heard he say. I laughed and heard dream also laugh but very quietly. I decided to hum a little tune helping trying to get him to sleep, key word there 'trying' It didn't help instead he seemed more awake.

"Have you ever wondered if their is an alternate universe out there where everything works out as planned and this divide between humans and us doesn't exist" Dream said out of nowhere.

"You've been spending to much time with Karl but Maybe. If there is i hope we still meet," I replied with a smile that i don't think he saw. I moved my hand from behind my head and started to brush my fingers through his hair.

"Your hair is soft" I whispered. The rest of the night was just us talking and cuddling.

"OI DREAM WAKE UP" I heard an all to familiar voice yell from the other side of the door. I looked around and saw the back of dreams head just under my chin. I sat up to tired to actually care.

"DREAM YOUR BOYFRIENDS GONE" drista yelled. I opened the door and her face went from an evil smirk to a shocked one.

"First it's not what you think and second i haven't asked him yet" I said

"Then now you will." She said. I knew she was up to something and i couldn't stop her. I walked back into dreams room and softly shook him awake.

"Morning sleepy head we need breakfast." i said. He sat up and stretched. Before standing up and we both headed to the kitchen where a smirking drista sat.

"so brother your singal right." she said dream looked at her confused but nodded anyway, She then turned to me.

"Wilbur your also singal" she said i nodded as well and then started to make some coffee.

"And i heard a little rumor that you both like each other." she said mischievously whatever dream ended up chocking on the orange juice. I am pretty sure i broke. Not to sure tho.

~later that day~

I was sat on my bed trapped in my thought of how i could ask dream to be my boyfriend but i couldn't think of anything.

"Jeez who thought this would be so stressful" i laughed to my self.

"WIL YOU IN HERE" dream shouted.

"yeah I'm in here" i called back. I heard my door open and someone walk in.

"About this morning, sorry about drista" He said.

"Nah it's fine but about that um....... so i do maybe like you and well" i couldn't get the words out.

"What I'm trying to say is would you maybe like to be my boyfriend" i said a little to loud. I didn't look at dream.

"s-sure" he stuttered.  immediately looked at him and his face was bright red and he had a smile on. I could tell this was a real one to.

"Oh thank god that would have been so awkward." i said with a sigh. 



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