if i cant have you: Jimin🖤

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Possessive Jimin, obsessive Jimin...Um degrading I guess? Disturbing themes, maid y/n, ceo jimin, manipulation, kidnapping. Etc.

Slightly long chapter ahead.


If I can't have you, no one can...

There was something odd about Park Jimin. Aka my boss. Aka the richest ceo in Seoul.

I worked as his made and something like a caretaker. Since the man himself was more of a mess than his million dollar penthouse was.

He was nice and I didn't like that. There was nothing wrong with having respect for a person but he was a different type of nice to me.

I didn't miss the ways he would watch me clean the house. Whenever I would bend down his eyes would follow. When he was supposed to be at work he would stay a few minutes longer just to watch me.

Of course at first I didn't notice these things. I didn't think much of it. After all, he meant no harm.

As a black girl living in South Korea is was common for them to stare at you. But Jimin was a man who had travelled pretty much his entire life. Seen people of all races and cultures meaning that he didn't really mind my skin color.

So that was not an excuse.

I had been working with him for a mere six months which was more than enough time to notice things about Park Jimin.

For one, he was very hard working.

He was serious about his job and rightfully so. He was the owner and ceo of the biggest publishing company in Seoul and he made a damn good amount of money.

There were many times where I heard him cursing out someone on the phone or firing employees. And that was the first thing that made him so intimidating to me.

The second thing was that he slept with a lot of women.

I didn't live with him but some nights when it was too late for me to go home he would insist that I stay the night with him. During those nights, sometimes he would have women.

Hearing them fuck doors down from me, his low grunts and their high pitched moans either made me extremely pissed off, disturbed or horny. I rarely ever got off to the sounds of him sleeping with another women, but that didn't mean I had never done it before.

The third thing would have to be how he reacted to me speaking with others whenever he was around. His mood would drop, especially when there was a man involved.

I didn't want to think that he had romantic feelings towards me but there was always the possibility. What other reasoning would he have to get so pissed off whenever I greeted his male guest or smiled too hard at the women who passed by his home?

It was silly. Especially since I didn't have romantic feelings towards anyone except Hoseok - a fellow colleague of Jimin.

They were close, although I'm sure If Jimin were to find out about us he would probably get pissed at that to.

We were currently both in the quiet penthouse.

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